Q. What's the next step for you as a writer?

I'm waiting to hear back on some opportunities, but in the meantime, I'm just working on my blog. I'm also sketching out the very first ideas for something I might publish on Wattpad. I'm not sure where my path will take me, but it has been fun so far.

Lev does some pretty good Q&A, Trivia etc over on Instagram so if you've got a writer's account, follow and enjoy all the randomness to your heart's content.


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( elusive_6788

( elusive_6788) 

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Q. Estelle, you are now a contracted writer, congratulations. Your book Love Fool was the winning story last year, what three important tips would you give to anyone who's considering submitting their work to a publisher?

Thanks, Latty. These are the three valuable lessons I’ve learned during the process, from writing to being signed with a publisher:

1. Edit your work. Use a program like Grammarly or a spell-checker on Word or Google Docs after you write your first draft. Don’t lose yourself to the technicalities at this stage; just fix the obvious spelling and grammar mistakes. Once you receive comments and feedback, make changes to your content based on what works. Not all feedback will suit your overall story, but you will know when a reader is right. 

Personally, I used a professional editor for the final manuscript of my other story, Lessons on Seduction, before submitting it to my publisher. Editors don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. You can find them on Google, Twitter, Facebook, or www.wattpadwriters.com (in Story Services). 

2. Believe in yourself. If you want to be an author, you need confidence in yourself and your work. It takes a lot more than being a talented writer to be successful. Good writers know how to craft words into a compelling story but if they don’t believe in themselves, they’ve already quit. Part of never giving up is believing in your work even if others don’t. That is so valuable, and something that needs to be practiced every minute, every day. Self-confidence will help you develop a strong voice and stand by your work, which leads to the next point.

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