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Prompt: mute reader

Due to an injury when you were just a baby, talking was extremely hard for you. You could do it, but it hurt, badly. It out a strain on your voice box and stung like hell. So instead your parents raised you on sign language so you didn't have to talk and injure yourself further. And for those who don't know it you carried a notebook and pen to write things down.

Despite not being able to talk, you were successful. You were on none other than the Kira taskforce working alongside L. He found you through your shining reputation online as the mystery detective that solved missing persons cases. He figured your tracking skills could be very useful on the case. You agreed to help and warned him you couldn't talk. But he didn't seem to mind.

The Japanese taskforce though? That was another story. You were on... ok terms. But they never wanted to work with you unless it was online, since they found it harder to communicate with you. Lucky for you L was great. He was always the one you worked with. You seemed to be the perfect fit, he was patient and seemed to understand not everyone is blessed with the ability of speech.

Currently you were bored out of your mind listening to Light blab on about how it must be Yotsuba and not him killing people. He was half right, Yotsuba was involved but he was still Kira. You'd heard this speech a million times. Glancing at L across the table you saw he was just as bored as you were. He was the one out of everyone that was done with lights shit the most. He noticed you looking at him and made eye contact.

Then what he did next surprised you.

'Can he shut up?'

He signed it. Your eyes widened and you signed back.

'Since when did you know sign language?'

'Since you joined. I thought I'd be easier, and just a cool skill to have in general so I tried to learn it'

You smiled. He really went to all that trouble for you. Yes you could still hear but you still have to know sign language to understand what the mute girl says when she moves her hands. This could actually be very useful, communication without words in this case could be a good way to make sure no one overhears confidential information.

'You didn't have to go to all that trouble you know, and yes. I do want Light to shut up too' you singed.

'Hey, I wanted to learn it. It makes things easier. Now if Light can shut up we can actually get to the practical part of the case...' he signed back.

'Yeah that'd be nice...'

No one seemed to notice you both wordlessly talking over the table yet.

'Like what is he? The leader of this investigation? I don't think so. He's just some rat who's busting it for Death gods' you signed.

L snickered at the comment, trying not to laugh too loud and attract attention. His reaction caused you to do the same, careful not to laugh too hard and strain your voice box even more.

'I think rat is our new nickname for him' L signed. 

'Yeah it's perfect. Rat murder boy really thinks he's something huh?'

The two of you continued to sign across the table, stifling laughter at each other's comments on Light. Light just kept talking, no idea what was going on behind him. It got to the point where you and L were silently dying on the desk, trying so hard not to bust out laughing while weakly signing to each other. Matsuda noticed the movement over at your desk and looked over at you, trying to figure out what was going on. The hand gestures were a mystery to him and he'd never seen L show raw emotion before.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now