The adventure

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I was walking with one of my closest friends on a pretty sunny day we were walking then the ground started shaking I looked at my friend and we fell through the ground when we got up we were in a cave "where are we" I asked "I don't know" he said as a boulder came towards him and he started running so I was left alone in this cave, I started walking down this hallway type part of the cave until I felt a rope rap around my waist and pull me backwards I saw a arrow fly across where I was just standing I looked behind me to see a man who was a bit taller than me he had brown eyes and brown hair that almost looked black I tried to take a step back because I was right up against him but I ended up falling he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him "hello I guess" I giggled a little while my face started heating up "oh uh sorry let me just get this undone" he said while getting the rope off of me "well um what's your name?" I asked as I looked up at him feeling a tint of pink appear on my cheeks "I'm Illinois who are you?" He asked as he started walking somewhere I followed close to him "I'm (y/n) and where are we going" I asked as he turned around and said "not sure but where do you wanna go" he winked at me and my cheeks turned dark red "w...well I kinda don't know anything about this cave" I said with a little giggle, we were walking for a bit until I saw there were a few traps I stoped as Illinois kept walking he was really clam with this then I saw him look back at me then walk over to me "here let me help you" he said as he held out his hand and pulled me close to him I started blushing as he said "make sure you don't fall in love with me to fast I am single but pretty much married to my job" he winked at me and I rolled my eyes and giggled still blushing and being super close to him all the sudden he held me tighter and said "hold on" I looked at him then all the sudden we were in the air I screamed a little and held him tight putting my head in his chest And my arms around him until I felt my feet hit the floor I let go and lost my balance I started falling until I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me up "you better be careful or you may get hit by something cutie" he said as he grabbed my hand and held me close to him again walking through more traps as we were walking through a trap went off and was headed right for my head but then Illinois pulled me closer to him our faces were almost touching Then the arrow hit the wall we stood there for I few seconds then snapped out of it "sorry" he said as he grabbed my hand and started walking with me eventually we got to the end of the cave where we could leave but before I left I asked "do you live here?" He looked at me and nodded then started walking away "WAIT!" I yelled he turned around and came over to me "why don't you come with me maybe we can go and eat somewhere and do something?" I said as I looked down at my black high tops "are you asking me on a date" he asked I looked up and said "yes....." then he came closer to me and said "well let's get going then" I looked up at him and smiled while I grabbed his hand and took him to my car as I drove us to the Cheesecake Factory (sorry if you don't like it there). 

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