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They were at Paddington Station by half past eight, and so were a hundred other people. A crowd, mostly made up of young girls had gathered to watch the Beatles film. The crew and several policemen had them pinned behind a barrier at the station, but they threatened to break through it at any moment.

George and Ringo walked past creating an uproar from the audience. They ignored it and headed for the specially commissioned train that would chug to Minehead and back while they filmed. The director, Richard Lester, was eager to get started, leaping in with handshakes when he saw them approaching.

"Just a couple of minutes for make-up and then we need to rig you for radio mics," he informed them. "John and Paul are already here."

May hung back a little. Nobody appeared to notice her, Well, they wouldn't when there are four superstars about to appear at any moment, she thought glancing around to see if she could see John or Paul anywhere. George turned back to her, the day's script in his hands.

"Er, do you want to wait on the train?" he asked, "I promise I'll make sure you meet John and Paul later," he added, seeing her face. A runner stepped up.

"I'll show you the way, Miss," he said to May, already walking away. May turned and followed him, feeling a little disappointed. This close and I end up sitting in a buffet car, she thought, But I better not get in the way, or else it will all come to a premature end, she decided, I'll just have to blend into the background. After all, George has been so nice, I don't want to cause him any trouble.

She glanced back over her shoulder before getting on the train. George was watching. He waved. May waved back and smiled, stepping up into the train.

George turned back and walked with Ringo towards the makeshift dressing area, little more than a large tent at the end of the platform, as far away from the fans as possible.

"Feel like telling me who she is yet?" Ringo asked as they walked.

"Just a friend," George told him, tensely.

"Where'd she get the shiner from? Same place as yours?"

"No," George paused, stopping just before the tent and leaning into Ringo, he whispered, "from her husband."

Ringo raised his eyebrows.

"He hit her and threw her out. I couldn't just leave her. She wants to go back to him, so I've bribed her with spending some time with the Beatles."

"Blimey." Ringo said.

"But keep it to yerself, okay?"

Ringo nodded as Brian and a tall man in a pinstriped suit approached.

"Good morning, Boys." Brian said, "This is just for today, tomorrow the back unit will all be on the train. The car will pick you up too, from now on," he said, looking at his watch, "We'll also be starting at Acton to get away from the adoring public" He absently waved towards the girls behind the barrier. "This gentleman is from Equity. You need to sign up before we can get started." Turning to George, he faltered noticing his black eye. "George, I'll have a word with you later," he said as George smiled apologetically and walked towards the make-up assistant.

The buffet car was empty except for a stressed looking young man frantically trying to sort out his papers on a table at the back. May sat down and the runner brought her a cup of tea before disappearing back to the rest of the crew. She gazed out of the window. She was at the wrong end of the train to see much of what was going on. She could only really see all the other fans behind the police line. I'm not much better off than them, she thought, tapping the glass. I wonder if Jack's missed me yet. He'd never believe in a million years I'm here. Perhaps I should try ringing him, she wondered but then a kafuffle at the barriers attracted her attention. They opened a small gap to let a group of four or five models dressed in school uniforms through. A couple of the girls from the crowd broke through and tried to run past. One of the policemen caught hold of one and literally lifted her off her feet and placed her down on the opposite side of the barrier again. I might have a slight advantage, May smiled to herself.

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