Chapter 1

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Just keep runing! keep runing! Just keep runing Ava! " get back here!!"  someone yells while chasing me, I turn into a white wolf and turn around and jump on the man.

I bite the mans neck holding on " Y-you little bi-bitch" the man says as I rip his neck off, I start to hear foot steps " look what we have here~" I hear someone say and trun around to see a man with a shotgun, I jump at him and bite off his arm "...

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I bite the mans neck holding on " Y-you little bi-bitch" the man says as I rip his neck off, I start to hear foot steps " look what we have here~" I hear someone say and trun around to see a man with a shotgun, I jump at him and bite off his arm " AHHHHHH!!!!" he screams as blood goes everywhere.I turn back into my human form and I start runing, I pass out due to lack of energy.

I wake up to be in a room and everything is dark " h-hello??" i mummble only to hear a door open " oh you're awake" someone says and I try to move only to be stoped by chains." slender wants to speak with you and you can call yourself lucky because you did not die" I hear someone say and make it out as a man,"w-who are y-y-you?" i ask in fear " my name is Eyeless Jack but call me EJ" he says walking up to me and taking off my chains.

I enter a room and there is a faceless man standing there " w-what in t-t-the hell a-are yo-you?!" i yell "something you don't need to know about, now my name is slenderman and may I ask you are you?" the man with no face asks. " My name is Ava and I am 19 years old" I say calming myself. "may I ask how did you get here in this forest?" slender asks me and I start shaking in fear. " I-I-I got o-o-o-o-o-out of a l-l-lab near h-h-here" I say in fear that they might work for the lab. " Oh okay well-" he gets cut off by a man that looked like him but he had a bunch of colored dots all over his outfit " Lucky you! You can live here!" he says really happy " what random ass shit did you just say?! she is not living here!" someone says walking. " You can shut you're ass Jeff!" the man says still happy looking. "I c-c-c-c-can" I say geting looks of anger "you sound like that ticing time bomb toby! god we now have two Toby!" Jeff says then someone comes and pulls me out of the room and the others started fighting. " So-sorry about t-them, Jeff i-is sometimes an a-asshole and t-the others are Just angry all t-the time w-well no-not all of t-them" a boy with goggles says and I look at him with that ' oh my god sooooo cute!!!' face. "oh please don-don't be like c-c-clockwork p-please" he says looking like he was about to run away." w-what??" i says confused " she i-is clingy a-as h-h-hell and I-I don't l-like clingy p-people" he says looking like he was praying that I was not like that girl." T-then you w-will not l-l-like me. w-ell im n-n-not that clingy." i say looking sad " oh. YAY!!!" he says then he trips and falls,  he looks at me looking like he might cry" Oww!" he says fake crying " y-you r-r-really are a b-bit of a b-baby" i say helping him get up but then a comes over and pushes me helping him up making him look angry at her. " c-clockwork what t-the h-ell!" he yells and I crawl away. 

I see a boy with dirty blonde hair and I get up off the floor, " hello sexy~" he says then geting pushed by a girl with black hair " hello, sorry about him. my name is Jane and this is Ben" she says giggling and Ben starts punching her." ben you punch like a baby!" she says laughing " mommy~" ben says then I look at him " Well hmmm~ lets see~" I says saving her sometime to run because he walks up to me "hmm?~" ben says and Jeff comes in the room " hey what are you doing?" he says siting down on bens bed. "help me-" I get cut off by ben covering my mouth " nothing Jeffy~" ben says winking at him "fuuuuuuuuuck nooooo, you can Just not do that!" he says runing out of the room. " move " i say " why?~" he asks " I want to show you something you will like~" I say runing out of his room turning into a panther.

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