Back in the barn, Amy was coming back from her trail ride with the two horses.

Ty, who was also returning, saw Amy in Harley. “Now I see who stole my horse.” He walked to Amy. He extended his arms to help her come down of the horse.

“I can do it alone” She said.

“No, you don´t” Ty joked.

“Ty, not now” She got down of Harley from the other side. She took the reins and pulled the two horses into the barn.

“Amy, what´s wrong?” He asked sweetly.

“Nothing” She tried to avoid him.

“Come one” He grabbed her strongly from the back.

“Stop it” She escaped from his arms.

“Amy” He warned.

“Is just, that you could have helped me instead of going out for two hours to have fun with a stranger” She criticized.

“Oh” He smiled.

“I´m serious, don´t laugh” She exclaimed.

“Were you jealous?”

Amy didn´t answer. She decided to keep her mouth shut since she didn´t know what to say. Ty was definitely right.

“Ty” She whispered. “Please”

“You were jealous of her talking with me” He laughed.

“It isn´t funny! I wasn´t jealous!” Amy denied angrily.

“Yes you were” He laughed. “Now I feel so important” Ty admired.

“Enough! Stop it!” She was annoyed.

He stopped laughing and he spoke serious. “I´m sorry, I didn´t want to make you feel that way”

She hugged him, and then said “How could I be so childish?” She whispered.

“It´s ok” He kissed her cheek and stayed like that for some seconds. “Love you” He said softly.

Chapter 29 - Good Things Come Alone...?

It was nine o´clock in the Heartland ranch. The dark summer blue sky covered the front porch of the house. The family had decided to have dinner outside, they had decorated all with twinkling colorful lights.

Heartland (Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя