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This is the first chapter and my first english story. So please don't be afraid to correct my mistakes! (:


It was a warm summer evening in Mexico, the air in the car - that was just another one of the classic black cars - smelled like a mixture of mint and sweat. We had just arrived at the airport and were on our way to our hotel. I was on the Far From Home press tour with one of my closest friends and I was enjoying every part of it.

The atmosphere in the car was relaxed. Absolute silence filled the small room of the car the four of us were sitting in. All you could hear was the quiet noises of the engine, the snores escaping Jacob every now and then and the music Zendaya listened to that you could hear through her headphones.

Including the fact that we just flew a few hours and were absolutely exhausted because of the jet lag and all the traveling we had to do for the interviews, I didn't mind that no one was talking at that moment.

So because I had to sit in this car for a little longer, I looked through the tinted window on my side and just watched all the cars passing by. That was basically everything I was doing these days. Answer questions in interviews, hop onto a new plane, sit in the next car and then everything just repeats itself.

"You counting the cars, Spidey?", Jake suddenly spoke up, nudging me in the ribs. I was so concentrated that my head snapped so fast in his direction, I might got a whiplash. I balled my hand into a fist like I do everytime someone scares me.

"Did I activate your Spidey-Senses or what?", he said through a giggle. I smiled up at him. He just giggled!

Ladies and Gentlemen: Jake Gyllenhaal, my new co-star for the new Spider-Man movie and one of my closest friends by now. A person you could not help but adore for the chaotic but still intellectual energy radiating off him. A person who was willing to help and be there for you. A person who was always there to make you laugh even though you felt like crying.

But mostly, the most attractive man I've ever met. We got along really well from the beginning and I was glad to hear it when interwiever or fans say we have great chemistry.

Sometimes, when we had a tough day or our moods were down, we just read the comments under said videos or fanfics out loud. We always had a great laugh about it.

It all began when the Far From Home tour started that something changed in the way I thought about my co-star. He suddenly became atrractive to me, I started to laugh about every single one of his bad jokes and I enjoyed his company more than I probably should have.

There were times when I just looked at him for a few seconds and suddenly all my thoughts did not stop spinning around Jake Gyllenhaal and his way of being a beautiful human being.

"Uhm, no. You just scared me, is all.", I answered, still smiling but my voice clearly filled with tiredness. He smiled back and nodded, his eyes still holding contact with mine, noticing I was lost in my thoughts.

I felt like this moment turned really intimate. A bit too intimate considering we were co-stars and nothing more. The loving look he gave me would've made me weak in the knees if I would've been standing in that moment.

Nervousness took over me and I started to fidget with my hands on my lap but I couldn't stop looking at the gorgeous man in front of me. Why was he doing this to me?

Since we first met - Gyllenholland/HollandhaalWhere stories live. Discover now