"Come On, Let's Song!"

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Ringo and Hyuga gave each other a look, but after giving it some thought, they both agreed with the plan that their boss had proposed. Now, it was time to put it into action.


The next day, Syo had gone to check his mailbox to see if he had received any mail, hoping that maybe he'd get something from a certain someone. When he opened his box, Syo had noticed a small white envelope that was sealed with a star sticker and had his name written neatly on the bottom right. Syo grabbed the letter, and smiled when he read the message. 

"(Y/N)!" He said with glee as he began running down the hallway to the destination that girl had asked him to meet her.

"Yahoo!  (Y/N) picked me!" Syo continued to say as he came to an intersection in the hallway.

When he was about to run past, Syo saw Shinomiya walking out in front of him. Not wanting to run into his friend, Syo slowed down as he came to a stop.


"Syo," Shinomiya said back to his friend.

Syo simply smirked as he began walking past his childhood friend.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm in a hurry. See ya!" Syo said as he began walking off.

It was only when he noticed that his taller friend was following him, that Syo knew something was up.

"It seems we're headed to the same location," Shinomiya confirmed.

Syo looked at him with an expression mixed with shock and confusion as Shinomiya held up the same envelope. When they both got to the practice room (Y/N) had asked them to go to, they opened the door, which revealed Ittoki, Hijirikawa, and Ren standing around the room.

"What the heck is this about?" Syo asked in disbelief.

He'd thought he was the one that had won (Y/N) over, but that wasn't the case. Shinomiya elaborated on the situation.

"Apparently, we've all been called here by (N/N)."

Syo looked around, and saw that all of the boys in the room had the same envelope that he and Shinomiya had received. As they all stood there in silence, the boys heard the door open and turned their heads towards the noise. Ichinose had made his way in the room, and looked around at everyone else.

"You got one too, Ichi?" Ren smirked, but really he was hiding his jealousy.

"Why did (Y/N) call the six of us here?" Ittoki voiced his question.

"We all have one thing in common," Shinomiya voiced.

That made Ittoki realize the reason why everyone had been called to the room.

"We all chose (Y/N) to be our partner.." the redhead began.

But then, seeing that his roommate was in the room as well, Ittoki turned into a chibi and pointed at Ichinose.

"Wait, then you put down (Y/N)'s name without even telling me, Tokiya?" He asked accusingly.

Ichinose simply brushed the boy off.

Angel of Music (Uta no Prince Sama x reader) (Slight B-project x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin