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I set Rhapsody in Blue as my new alarm, it's better than beeping, traffic and whatever Andrea was doing in the next room.

The good thing is that now I can use email. So I can send messages to Mom and Rory and vice versa. It's now how me and Tessa communicate.

I walked out into the kitchen to see if there was anything we needed to buy. I wrote it down on my notebook, reminding me to go get after class today.

I rolled my eyes once I looked in the fridge. "Andrea! There's no milk!"


"I need it!"

"Just get coffee on campus! You don't even use milk in it!"

"I like a latte with a sugar every now and then!"

"Fine, I'll get milk after my lecture, what time is it?"

"Nearly nine."


Andrea's door burst open with a shirtless Dave and Andrea leaping into her jeans. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"Because I didn't want to see that, toodles," I smirked and I climbed out the window.


My phone started ringing in Macy's and I stuck one finger in my ear so I could hear it. "Hello?"

"Sounds hectic," Rory pointed out. "Where are you?"

"Macy's," I told her. "Hang on."

I looked all around to see if I could find one quiet spot and I shrunk down in the home section. "Okay, I'm here."

"You'll never guess what Grandma and Grandpa were arguing about?"


"Which Beatles were alive and dead."

"I would have paid to see that but I was dog sitting for Claire while she was in work," I pouted. "Yeah, I missed it too, I've had a terrible cold all week," she told me. "And Paris nearly lit the door on fire just because I touched the doorknob."

I started laughing but this old couple were looking at me weirdly. "Weirdo," one of them said and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Anyway are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, I have a free day, why?"

"Mom wants us to go shopping together, the summer stuff is officially out, do you have much money?"

"Not much but yeah, I'll be there," I smiled. "Tomorrow at the inn, ten o clock," Rory told me. "See you then."


I think me and Rory have twin telepathy or something because we pulled into the Dragonfly at the exact same time.

"Hezzy!" Rory ran over to me and we hugged each other tightly. "Let me see the new phone."

I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to her. "SO tell me the story again?"

"Three tourist buses broke down in Time's square so there were way more people there than usual," I started the story. "Then I was trying to get the work and I dropped it but I did find my phone in the end."

"Where was it?"

"Went down the drain, into the sewers," I told her. "Yikes," Rory shuddered.

We went into the inn and found Tom, the contractor. "Hi Rory, Heather."

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