Chapter 1

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(Updated version)
Maria's POV
A year ago today I was finally allowed to leave so that I could live my own life.

When I was only 13 my parents decided it would be best to send me away from them so that I wouldn't end up like the rest of my family. They sent me to a small island off the coast of Spain called Mallorca. I lived there for 6 years. Until I turned 19 last year and decided to leave.

My older brother Dom ,who was 25 at the time, had joined a street racing gang. My older sister Mia had also been pulled into same group of people. One day Dom got into an argument with my Mother he left home and turned to street racing. He got to carried away and ended up seriously hurt not long after. He was unsatisfied with the money he had been making and he turned to being a criminal. As for Mia, she and Dom were always close so naturally she followed after him and the last my parents heard she was working in a cafe her and Dom decided to open. My parents didn't want the same for me. They knew that I wouldn't be able to resist the world full of cars, adrenaline, racing along with other stuff. They knew I would most likely try to follow after Mia and Dom . So they sent me away to protect me.

Personally, I think that by separating me from my family they have made me want to find them more. It made me wonder what I'm missing.They can take my family from me but part of me will always belong to them.

It had been a tradition in our family for years that on our sixteenth birthday we would be entered into a race. If we won we could keep the car I was the first Toretto not to race on my 16th birthday. Of course I never got the chance to. That probably why most people don't know I even exist.

After I left, I spent a few months travelling. It was nice after not being allowed to leave an island for 6 years. A few months ago I took a trip to Brazil And decided to stay for a while. I was renting a small house near the beach. It wand t the nicest but I didn't plan on staying there.

I only had my sights set one one thing. Finding Dom.

-time skip (3 months)-
I picked up my pillow and threw it aggressively towards my alarm clock which was making an extremely annoying noise as usual.

I sat up and rubbed my face. After a few minutes I finally managed to convince myself to get up.

I got up early most mornings as I never really slept too well, my mind always seemed to race as soon as my head hit the pillow.thres always so much going on in my head, I need to put it to rest.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my long,dark wavy hair was a mess as usual and I had dark circles under my eyes. I stared at my reflection for a few minutes then started to laugh, it's nothing a bit of makeup can't fix.

I slipped on my trainers and ran down to the beach. Some nights when I couldn't sleep, or mornings, I would come down here and just sit for a while and forget about everything. It was the same feeling when I was running. It was just me, the crashing waves and warm sand beneath my feet.

After a while I checked my watch and realised that I had to go back so I could get to work on time.

I stopped to talk to a few of the locals on the way back, they were always so friendly.

"Hola Maria! How are you chica"one of the older women asked.

"I'm doing great Gloria, your looking good"I said smiling. I took a dog biscuit from my pocket and tossed it to her little dog, which was always by her side.

"It's the wisdom chica, it ages the mind and keeps the skin young"she winked

I got back to my house and turned the shower on. I got out and styled my hair and reapplied the makeup. I grabbed my apron from the back of the door and put into my purse. I stopped and took a deep breath it was exactly 8:00am.

"One more day until the weekend"I sighed

I didn't bother to take my car as the cafe was only a short walk from my house.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my story let me know what you thought in the comments. I have updated this to add more to the story.❤️

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