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        Unlike most magazines, we're regulated by a list of rules and a system unique just to this magazine. We are proud of it and do our best to abide by each and every single one of these rules listed below.

        1. This magazine is regulated by the Three-Month Cycle.

                a. The Three-Month Cycle is exactly what the name of it is. It is a three month period of which you can do certain things within. At the end of each cycle, all of the below is wiped clean. (Excluding Strikes, which will be explained later.)

                b. In this time period, you can only skip one article. (Unless there is some type of extreme emergency.)

                c. Only two of the three articles during this cycle can be late.

        If any part of this rule is broken, you shall receive a Strike.

        2. If you are unable to turn in an article or will be late with one, contact us ahead of time, so we can make some arrangements, before things go astray.

        3. Upon receiving your first Strike of the Three-Month Cycle, you will get a warning.

            On your second Strike, you will be warned again.

            On you third Strike, you will be kicked from the Magazine.

            Strikes will be wiped clean once a year.

        4. All Articles must be 300+ words long.

        5. No Articles will be turned in using WORD Documents.

        6. All Articles will be turned in by Email or by Google Docs.

        7. You cannot use the same article for another magazine or vice versa.

        8. Respect and courtesy are the traits of our crew members.

        9. Communicate with all Crew Members.

        10. Follow the rules set for your own article as well.

        11. Have fun!

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