""Could- could he be saved? Convinced to be good?""

""No. I don't believe there is a redemption for him. He'd kill anyone who'd try to reason with him. He is twisted, he is tyrannical, and most of all, he's beyond change.""

""I... I'm sorry Brine, but I don't think I could do what you need me to.""

""He can't die. Not truly.""


""Well, he is immortal in a sense, he can never die. He is the guardian deity of The End, and will be reincarnated, if he were ever to die. At least according to ancient scripts. He has never died, so no one truly knows.""

"So- so if I kill him, he'd just be reborn, and he could start over? Have a new life and be raised right by someone?""

""Yes, he would.""

""Why didn't you say anything sooner?!""

""Well I assumed that wouldn't exactly get a 'yes, I'll help' from you. Though you seem more willing now so-""

Steve sighed, knowing Brine wasn't all that flawed in his logic. He looked up at the coat that he hand washed and hung up in his room to hopefully dry it quickly enough. It didn't look great, the threads holding the rips together barely matched the coat, and Steve could only consider himself lucky because the fur hid it well enough, and that Monty's own blood didn't stain it all that bad.

""Do you think he'll be content with it?""

""You don't want me to answer that.""

""Yeah, yeah I don't think I really do.""

""Well, you did your best. Do you want to go outside?""

""Sure. Anywhere in particular?""

""I wouldn't know, I haven't been around town.""

""Would- would you like me to show you some more of it?""

""Would you?""

""Of course, though I must ask, how come you haven't looked around town yet?""

""Well you see- when I am using you as a vessel, your eyes turn pure white, and glow, and you can't exactly be seen like that."

""Yeah- definitely not.""

""I've seen a bit though from other vessels- like a fountain with a sign I couldn't read- or a big cobble building by what I presume is Monika's farm.""

""Fountain... fountain... oh! The public bath.""

""There's a public bath in a village you've lived in since you were born... but you couldn't change in front of one person?"

""I-I DON'T- I STILL- I kinda wear shorts- always have. I've heard of villages where public bathes are weird because they all have big houses with fancy bathrooms but we don't exactly have that here- so we have a few public ones... but like- I wish we didn't- because I really don't like the concept.""

""That's a bit prude Steve, I'm not gonna lie.""


""That- doesn't surprise me in the slightest.""

Steve wheezed a bit before heading outside. Towards the cobble building mentioned, of course.

He waved at his fellow villagers, trying to think of a reason he would be going to the blacksmith's. Surely Kendrick would just be happy with the company, and Lilac never complained, but the other three? Awful. Just. Awful. Worst of the worst. Bullied him in childhood and never really grew outta flicking his forehead and tripping him. No idea if they get some sort of immature joy out of it, or if they're just trying to stick to what they know, but it's just- it's not great. He sighed and continued.

""Brine uh- listen I don't know you well enough to know if you'll do something stupid when we get there, but- don't, okay?""

""Why would I-""

Steve felt a hand on his shoulder yank him back, he almost fell over but he didn't really make a sound. He finds it best when interacting with this one. Cassius, the weaponsmith. He just sort of, examined Steve before pushing him behind him and continuing to walk to his job. Darn- almost avoided him...

""Who the fu-"" Brine started to speak up, full on unseen but present primal urge to punch something.


""Sorry, whoms't the fu-""

""If I have to correct you a second ti-""


""That's Cassy. He isn't- SO bad. I personally think he's just kinda misunderstood. Y'know?""

""How exactly do you misunderstand getting shoved?""

""W-WELL- I MEAN- yeah no I can't really say.""

Steve sighed and continued walking. When he finally got there, he was almost happy, and then he noticed the door was blocked. Okay, this is fine, he'll just walk up casually and come up with a good reason to go inside.
"I-I need an iron hoe- I'm picking it up for Monika." Steve smiled gently at the man blocking the front door, hoping this desperate display of kindness will spark something- anything good.
"Doesn't Richard fit the bill?" Jitters mumbled under his breath. He could hear a feminine laugh inside, which was identifiable as the third one, the toolsmith Winona. Cassius didn't show any signs of amusement on his face, but he didn't look pissed off either, so he probably found that humorous.
"Please, I just need one, I'll even pay extr-" Steve began to plead before Jitters almost fell, due to the door he was leaning against swinging open.


"Kendrick! Hi Sir! I need an iron hoe, do you have one?"

"At the moment, no, but we can chat if you'd like while Winona works on one."

"I'd love that..."

"Then come in my boy!" He smiled so welcomingly as he held the door open. It was a wonder that such a nice man could tolerate such cruel workers. It was an answer no man but Kendrick himself had, and would likely remain that way, as no one had ever bothered to ask, no one had the guts too. Indeed, it was a myst-
"Hey- why do you work with such rotten  folks?" Or y'know, Brine could just whisper the question. That works. Kendrick's soul almost left his body at the question like wow okay- oddly bold of you.
"Truthfully, I know they have no where else to go, and I know they just need someone to take a chance on them." He whispered back.

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