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After my parents leave, I go to wash the dishes. Tony comes up behind me, and wraps his hands around my waist. He starts kissing my neck. I turn around and look into his beautiful brown eyes.
     "Babe, I have to ask you something." I say, drying my hands on the towel. "Anything" he says pulling me closer to him. "Why didn't you invite your parents other than the fact that they live hours away?" I say, putting food in the fridge. "Because I was hoping you would fly out there with me next weekend." He says hopping on the counter.

"It's my dad's birthday, and I thought I would surprise him

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"It's my dad's birthday, and I thought I would surprise him. And I'm gonna introduce my beautiful, stunning fiance." He says. "I'll go with you. I've always wanted to visit Las Vegas. But the weddings they have there. They aren't special like weddings should be." I say, wiping down the counters. "Well that ruined my plans" He says, looking down. I look at him with pure disgust. "Oh my God, babe I'm kidding." Tony laughs.
     I turn off the kitchen light and run upstairs. I go to the bathroom to wipe
off my makeup. I get a text from Tony:
                 💍❣️Tony bear❣️💍

Tb: So I'm gonna finish
down here. I'll be up
in a sec😘

                                             Me:  Ok💜

     I put my hair into a messy bun. I take my clothes off and put on my robe. I brush my teeth. When I'm done brushing my teeth, I sit on the bed and play my slow jams on the TV. Tony comes in with a bottle of wine.
     "I remember what you told me when we first met. You said if you ever get engaged, you would want the night to be perfect. The ring hidden in an obvious place: done. Your parents here: done. Finish the night by drinking a whole bottle of wine, get waisted, and then you know what: we are almost finished." He says sitting on the bed and wrapping his arms around me.
    I take the bottle and take a big drink of it. He does the same. About half an hour later we drink half the bottle and we are pretty waisted. I chug half of the half, and he chugs the rest of it. He climbs on top of me and kisses me. He slowly unties my robe. I take off his shirt and I roll on top of him and take off my robe. Then things get pretty intense.

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