Chapter 2 :

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Nialls P.O.V :

Fuck it's school again!! Why did spring break have to be so short? I'm walking to my locker when I smelt an extraordinary smell. The only problem is I don't know where it's coming from. I looked around and then my eyes landed on a girl talking to herself. The smell is coming from HER! !!!!!!!!!! "Locker 117...Ahh here we are, locker 118." She whispered to herself. "Who are ya talkin to" I blurted out in my irish accent. Smart move Niall. She turned around. " Oh no I was just looking for my locker .... so you are???" She asked me. "How rude of me... I'm Niall ... Niall Horan, and yours love?" I asked." Oh umm I'm Lottie Tomlinson." She replied, reaching her hand for me to shake. "Oh you're Louis' sister right? Oh and I don't take hand shakes I give Horan hugs." I laughed, giving her a huge hug. " Yeah I am... how'd you know?"She asked. "I am his friend ... do you wanna hang out with us at lunch? I mean you don't have to soo yeah. " I said smiling. "Okay sure." She replied. Lottie then walked off, turned around and waved. I don't know why ,but the way she did that was really hott. What am I saying ? I can't like her! I'm a monster for God sake! The bell rang and I went to my first class.

*End of school day*

Damn it. I'm hungry. I better go downtown for a meal. I ran out of school at vampire speed and went into the forest downtown. I wasn't in the mood to kill a human today so I came here instead. Hmm, I don't want anything too big soo ah there's a deer. I jumped up a tree and stalked the deer. It looked up from where it was eating the grass. I then jumped out of the tree and landed right on top of it. I sank my fangs into its neck and sucked it dry. There was blood all over my black shirt. Good thing I wore a black shirt. I then got up , wiped my mouth and ran home. I was planning how to lure Lottie in. Tomorrow was going to be fun.

(A/N: I don't want Niall and Lottie to be best friends anymore. It wouldn't be great for what I planned. Mwahahahahahahaha. I know I'm weird. Come on I need some girls! Bye )

You Make Me Blood Lust..... (A Niall Horan Vampire Love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang