"Prep the jet" Bruce said. "I'm going north tonight"

"Good it's time then" Alfred said, pulling up images of Arthur, Diana, Victor and Barry, the people we've been keeping an eye on.

"Yay Diana" I said cheerfully, making Alfred chuckle.

"So can I come meet Arthur?" I asked Bruce hopefully but he turned his intercoms off making me pout.

"You can keep me company" Alfred said happily and I nodded.

Timeskip to on the jet, after Bruce talked with Arthur.

*Your outfit*

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*Your outfit*

"So you say you have no way of reconnecting with this Aquaman?" Alfred asked.

"Well I put a tracking device in his coat but he left without it" he informed and I sighed, taking a sip of my coffee Alfred just poured me. "Those squares, from Luther's notes, I think they must be containers of some kind"

"Of what?" I asked.

"I don't know, money, power, something worth starting a war over" he sighed, taking the coffee Alfred gave him.

"Well we had luck with one person on the team list" Alfred said, pushing the panel. "Barry Allen of Central City. He's completely off the grid, squatting I think. Moves suddenly and often"

"Disappearing act" Bruce commented.

"Such a shame, he's hot" I said looking at the screen. The two men gave me weird looks before turning back to the screen.

"But he does visit his father, in prison, for murdering his mother" Alfred informed.

"Jesus" Bruce and I mumbled.

"Young Barry always protested his father's innocence, but he was nine and nobody listened to him" Alfred said.

"Poor thing" I mumbled.

"Got anyone at the prison?" Bruce asked.

"Oh yeah, we'll find the address" Alfred said.

"What about uh Diana?" He asked awkwardly, making me snort in laughter.

"Well you have her number" I replied.

"You guys could have called her" Bruce said.

"Oh perhaps we should fly to Paris with a hand written note. Will you be Bruce's teammate, check yes or no" Alfred replied sarcastically making me laugh.

"I'm only interested in her skill set" Bruce said flustered.

"Oh I'm sure you are" Alfred and I said under our breath, giggling at each other.

"Can we?" The billionaire asked annoyed, pointing at the screen.

"Uh well facial recognition is a bit tricky on this one but we've got a partial match. Victor Stone, genius I.Q, football scolarship and deceased" I informed.

"The usual, fairy tails and ghost stories" Bruce said and I hummed.

"One misses the days when ones biggest concerns were exploding wind up penguins" Alfred said amused.

"The simple life" Bruce said in the same tone.

"I don't recognise this world" Alfred said.

"I don't have to recognise it, I just have to save it" Bruce said.

Timeskip to later on

Alfred was playing noises in the background, trying to work out what noise attracted the creature.

"That one" Bruce said. "Pretty sure that's what made the alien go crazy"

"I'll see about rigging something for the suit" Alfred said over the comms.

"Anything to give me an edge" Bruce replied.

"Hey can you hand me the screw driver please?" I asked and he nodded, giving me the tool.

"Thanks" I smiled, helping fix the jet.

I then heard heels clicking against the ground. I smirked, knowing exactly who it was.

"You know I paid millions of dollars for this buildings security" Bruce said, continuing what he was doing.

"Yeah it looked expensive" Diana replies making me snicker.

I stopped what I was doing, going down the ladder and hugging her.

"Hey Diana" I smiled.

"Hey (Y/n)" she smiled, turning her attention back to Bruce.

"Hi" He said, leaning on the railing.

"A new toy" she replied, gesturing to the troop carrier.

"Prototype troop carrier" I informed.

"I once knew a man that would have loved to fly it" she said.

"Yeah. Well we're gonna need more then a pilot. I think there's an attack coming" Bruce said.

"Not coming Bruce, it's already here"

That's the end of the first chapter, I hope you liked it and don't worry Barry will be in the next chapter. Until next update.

~ A. G

Young Love (Barry Allen x Reader) - *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now