Chapter Six

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Quarantine: Day Eight


One second, I'd been erratically breathing from the long run I endured, the next, panting from the way Covy exploded all over my hand. Fuck, it was so hot. Whatever came over me and made me take control over his orgasm could take the award for my favorite thing ever. Not one second of doubt touched me, not a single hesitant breath, not even a pause in my desires.

My body wanted Covy.

My dick wanted Covy.

My head wanted Covy.

I wanted Covy.

Unwilling to overthink a single thing, I went with it. I enjoyed touching him, commanding him to come for me, and fuck, he did. He groaned so loud I was surprised my dick didn't celebrate with him. Now, he touched me. With his mouth, his tongue, and fuck, his hands. His soulful blues dissected me, connecting with mine all while making heat swim through me.

I never wanted chicks to look me in the eyes, it was too personal, too intense. With Covy, it felt right. Like my whole life was a fucking lie and this moment was always etched in stone.

 Like my whole life was a fucking lie and this moment was always etched in stone

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"I want to taste you," he hesitated to say, I could hear it in his tenor. His shyness came to me full force and only furthered my desire for him. I want him to taste me. The thought came so quickly that it stole the very air in my lungs.

Not noticing my flinch, Covy waited for my response.

"I'd like that."

The way my throat felt dry at how stupid I sounded wasn't lost on me. But he made me nervous. He brought forth a part of me that never existed. It lived deep within the darkest parts of me that I covered with blankets as a shield.

The part that craved human connection.



Someone that I cared about.

Covy slithered in within eight days. What made it so inviting was his intentions being pure. He seemed taken aback just like me by our threaded comfort in one another. It endeared me, making me want to dive deeper, see where it went if it meant what it felt like it would.

His fingers hovered the line of my gym shorts, shaky, but also confident. Like he knew exactly what to do, but nerves stopped him. When his thumbs hooked under the material, I let out a strangled breath, unable to calm myself.

They dragged down, pulling the elastic until my cock bounced. His eyes stared and then met mine in awe. "Holy shit," he mused. I tried to hide the smile but couldn't. It wasn't news to me that my dick was larger than average, but seeing his trepidation only made me proud.

Heat enveloped me when he wrapped his fingers around my shaft. It twitched from the movement, bringing a bigger smile from Covy. I watched in amazement as he brought his tongue to the tip, swiping over the head, taking the droplet of precum from me. His eyes fluttered a moment, and I gasped as he put his plush lips around my cock.

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