season 1 form (magix winx)

199 3 16

Name: Amalia

Age: between 13 and 15

Gender: Female

Species: fairy

School: Alfea


Formal outfit: 

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Formal outfit: 

Formal outfit: 

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Planet: she lives on earth with their father but is also from centrore her mother's home planet

Family: she's a royal on her mother's planet her mother was a fairy her father met on business when she came to earth and fell in love with her Amalia's family is made up of her grandparents and uncle on her mother's side her and father she is an only child

Magic/fairy/fighting form:

Magic/fairy/fighting form:

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Magic: the stars

Crush/romantic partner: no one yet

Other information: Amalia comes from the center of the universe her mother's planet is at the center her family all have magic relating to space and the stars she is the next person to be head of the family as they are seen as royalty she also believes that the magic a person has does not define who they are she also picks things up fast she puts her hand to like cooking and such she can play most instruments and is a good ice skater

For your oc if you need any help making an oc please let me know and I will be happy to help you create them




Species: (e.g fairy, specialist, witch, other)

School: (is it Alfea, Cloud tower, Red fountain, or another school)

Looks/casual: (how do they look in every day in school and such)

Formal outfit: (what they'd wear to say a ball, school dance, or another formal event)

Planet: (where do they come from)

Family: (are they royal, are they related to others in the show, or just any information on their family)

Magic/fairy/fighting form: (what form/clothes do they take when they fight)

Magic: (if they have magic what is it they have and are the witch, fairy, wizard, or whatever of)

Crush/romantic partner: (do they have a crush or someone there dating)

Other information: (anything else you believe is important and relevant to the RP)

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