Shiguru/Sayo OS (1)

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"Shiguru is injured during a filming and is transported to the hospital where Sayo works

Being both Kiramagers, Sayo decides to take care of him " 


A stretcher pushes the doors of the hospital, lying on it, the hearthrob action actor, Oshikiri Shiguru.

Despite the immense pain he felt in his ankle, Shiguru remained stoic and showed no emotions.

" I'm telling you I'm fine ! Get me off this stretcher and let's go back to filming !

- Not before you have an x-ray and the doctor has given his diagnosis ! It's non-negotiable ! " Said his producer, who was standing next to him.

A nurse took the katana that Shiguru was holding and gave it to the producer.

"He isn't allowed to keep this weapon in the hospital, wait in the waiting room, we take him to have the x-ray "

The producer agrees.

An hour later, Shiguru had been installed in a room and the diagnosis had fallen : ankle fracture, he must stay in the hospital for at least two weeks and wear a plaster. His producer had warned the movie's director and they decided to stop it until Shiguru recovered.

Shigeru looked out the window and whispered "I'm going to die of boredom here ..." 

At the same time, Sayo was getting ready to go home and rest, the young woman had operated on a patient for three hours and was extremely tired. 

" Congratulations Sayo-san !

- Thank you very much, Mio-san " She replied to a nurse who greeted her. 

Suddenly she saw Shiguru inside one of the bedrooms.

" Shiguru, what are you doing here ? " Sayo tried to hide her concern.

" I got injured during a filming ...

- It's serious ?!

- Ankle fracture, I have to wear a plaster and stay here for two weeks, I'm sorry, I won't be able to be a Kiramager for a while ... 

- Don't worry about that, the most important thing for now is that you recover ! " 

Shiguru nodded and stared at the ceiling, Sayo left him alone. 

A few days later, Sayo entered the hospital room where Shiguru was installed.

" Hello did you sleep well ?

- Rather yes but the plaster is still scratching me ...

- It's normal, I put your medicines here, you take one every two hours, don't forget !

- Yeah, yeah don't worry ...

- I come back to see you later.

- Okay ... Sayo ...

- Yes ?

- I'm happy it's you who take care of me "

The young woman smiles and left the room before Shiguru can see that she was blushing. 

Shiguru stared at the ceiling with a big smile on his face. 

The rest of the time that Shiguru spent at the hospital was paced between the different visits of Juru, Sena, Mabushina and Tametomo and the time spent with Sayo.

The young man had loved these moments he spent with her and, even if he will never admit it, he will miss these moments when he leaves the hospital.

Shigeru had always had feelings for Sayo but lately they have been getting stronger. 

Finally the day to leave the hospital arrived, Shigeru was happy but less than he would have thought.

As he left, he saw Sayo waiting for him.

" I thought it was your day off

- Yes, it is but I wanted to be there when you went out ... are you happy ?

- Sure ! I don't have to bear this horrible plaster anymore ! " 

They laughed

" Do you want me to accompany you ?

- With pleasure "

Sayo kissed Shiguru's cheek

" Sorry ...

- No, it's good " Shigeru smiled and took Sayo by the hand

" Let's go ?

- Yes ! "



Here is a first OS dedicated to Shiguru and Sayo, I hope you'll enjoy it ^^

I am not completely satisfied but well ... ^^


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