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Huey's POV:
I woke up in our Master's bed....I guess he kept me in here all legs...they were so sore...I was disgusted and upset with myself...He rolled over and held me close to him and kissed me on my cheek...I started shaking in fear...."before you go back to the basement I suggest you take a bath first.."He said. I whimpered...I wish I could just run out of his room but my legs were so sore....
"What's wrong? Can't feel your legs honey~?"He asked.I said nothing.. He got outta bed and picked me up bridal style...I started trembling in his arms...once we got to the bathroom...he sat me on the toilet and grabbed a washrag and a towel and placed them on the bathtub...and started the bath...eventually when the bathtub was full with hot water  after he had put soap in the water and turning on the water jets ...He walked over to me and picked me up and placed me in the bathtub....
"You sit here and wash up...I need to get you some new clothes..."He said.
Then he walked out the bathroom and closed the door...I sit in the tub in deep thought...if I wasn't thinking straight I would probably drown my self right here right now...but then I remember that Riley needs me...I can't leave him here with...him...then he'll do the same thing to Riley...and I'll really never be able to rest in peace if that happens...I grab the rag..and Started washing might be wondering...why am I letting him do this to's because he threatened to do it to Riley.....I couldn't let that happen...sure Riley and I used to fight a lot... but when Grandad abused us and then sold us to this man...I realized that Riley was all I had left now...and I need him to keep whatever piece of innocence he has allowed him to use me instead...I had no idea what I was getting myself into...and now I'm suffering...but as long as Riley is safe..I don't really care..after I was done washing up...Master came back into the bathroom with some new clothes for me to wear...he pulled the plug out of the bathtub and let the water drain...and lifted me out...he grabbed the towel and handed it to me...
"You better be dressed by the time I get back...or else I'll punish you."He said.
He leaves again....'isn't being your sex toy punishment enough?'I thought to my self.
I dried off and got dressed...I eventually heard footsteps and the door opens..."oh good your dressed...Let's get you back to the basement..."He said. He picked me up and he walked downstairs and down the hall to the basement door...he opens it and walks down the basement stairs.
"Huey! There you ar-"Riley cuts himself off..."Huey...why is he bringing you back down here..? Where have you been?"Riley asked...he sounded very worried...
But I said nothing...the Master layed me down on my bed.."I'll be back...I need to make you some breakfast.."He said. And he left...."Huey are you ok? Did he do anything to you?"Riley asked me.
I sat up and shook my head no..
"Are you sure? You're sitting weirdly..."Riley said.
I had flashbacks about what happened last night...I nearly threw up...I was so disgusted...we hear the door open and our Master came back and handed us two bowls of cereal...
"Eat up.."he said and he left.
"Cereal..? Well at least it's better than nothing right?"He asked.
I nodded my head and we both begin eating...after we got done eating Riley gets on my bed,lays down, and yawns...he closes his eyes..and falls asleep....I rub his back..Me and My little brother have been through a lot...Our parents are gone forever,Our Grandad abused us and sold us to this man,and now having to live with his abuse...I honestly think that god just really fuckin hates us...I can't have Riley getting hurt again...I don't care about what happens to me...just as long as Riley is safe I don't can break me,beat me up, and knock me down however you please...but for love of everything please...just leave my little brother out of it....I yawn...and lay down next to my little brother and fall asleep...

From Pain and suffering To Fame and Loving.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum