"Do you mind if I ask about when you hung out with Iida?" she asked, sounding nervous. I nodded, not having any problem with her asking me about it.

"Well, sure, ask anything you want," I offered, wanting to let her know that there was nothing secret about it. She shifted uncomfortably in her spot, twiddling her thumbs as she thought over whether or not she should ask what she had thought of.

"Did anything, you know, weird happen when you were hanging out with Iida?" she asked, speaking quickly so she could get it over and done with. I gave it a moment of thought, shaking my head after going through everything that had occurred while Iida and I hung out. But nothing that I would consider weird did happen.

"I don't think so, why do you ask?" Uraraka avoided my gaze, only taking occasional glances to see my expression.

"Well, Iida's been acting a little weird this morning," she admitted, "I just wanted to know if something had happened to make him act like that." As I thought of a way to assure her that nothing bad had happened, Hagakure chimed in.

"Why don't you just say everything that happened and then we'll judge whether they could be the cause or not?" she suggested, the enthusiasm in her voice catching the attention of Ashido who couldn't help herself but join in.

"Yeah, go on (Y/n). Tell us everything that happened," she encouraged, her large smile and the fact that she was literally bouncing with excitement pressuring me into talking.

"I guess I can. So first we saw each other and he waved at me so I came over, we talked a little and then he asked if I wanted to train with him. Not having anything else to do, I said yes and then we trained for a while," I told them, letting my eyes move between the three girls that stood around me. Uraraka watched me carefully, still looking nervous, while Ashido and Hagakure vibrated with excitement as if waiting to pounce on anything that could be possibly risque.

"Once we were tired, we decided to take a break. He offered me some food so we ate together, talking for a while. We made up after the first day we had met, then we started about more personal stuff, mainly about me. Then some iffy things came up and I got a little upset, then we hugged. After that we-"

"What?!" Hagakure and Ashido screeched in sync. It seemed that my story had also gathered the attention of the other girls as well, since Tsu, Jirou and Yaoyorozu had come over, looking shocked along with the other three.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, not catching onto what they were so surprised by.

"You hugged him?" Uraraka managed to get out, her face turning a bright shade of red. Just getting such an outburst from it made me feel embarrassed, highlighting everything that made it weird. I knew that it was a little odd, suddenly hugging my class rep, but it fit the mood.

"He was just comforting me," I tried to excuse, my own cheeks tinting pink as I grew flustered. There was a moment of silence which made me feel even more uncomfortable with the situation. All I could do to calm my mind was to remind myself that if it was indeed weird, that I was the one who had initiated it, shifting all blame for it to myself. But then there was also the hand holding things, not that I wanted to bring that up at all.

"Would you date him?" Hagakure asked, causing all of us to turn attention to the invisible girl who was merely boots and pair of gloves in her hero costume. Having such a straight forward question being asked, especially one about romance, made me grow even more embarrassed. Placing my hands over my firey cheeks, I heaved a sigh.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully, having not thought about Iida in that way. We were just supposed to be friends, but now Hagakure was bringing this up.

"Aw, I ship it!" Ashido cheers, pumping her fist in the air. Her enthusiasm grabbed the attention of the other girls, all of them curious about what she meant.

"I mean who couldn't, the class rep and the class mystery," she cooed, clamping her hands together in front of her chest. This greatly caught my attention, remembering how Monoma had addressed me earlier.

"The class mystery?" I asked, hoping someone would fill me in. Yaoyorozu sent me a soft smile, looking almost sorry for me.

"Well, because you don't really hang out with anyone in our class, no one really knows much about you. Hence why they call you the mystery, but I assure you that the name has no intention of being hurtful," she told me.

"But that's not a bad thing," Tsu added, "It's more to encourage you to hang out with all of us, I mean despite others not really knowing much about you, you're well-liked in class. And you can even sit with me at lunch if you want to." I couldn't help but smile at the frog girl, feeling happy that she had welcomed me to join her for lunch.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm sorry, I already promised someone I would sit with them," I informed her. Ashido rushed over, sliding her arm over my shoulder with a teasing smirk.

"Aw, already committed to sitting with Iida, huh?" I rolled my eyes, being able to brush that one off.

"No, I spoke to Sero this morning and said I'd with him and his friends."

"What?! Another boy!" Hagakure exclaimed in surprise. Ashido chuckled, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me.

"Flirting with all the boys, aye (Y/n)?"

Turning my face away, I wasn't able to hide my blush this time.

"We're just friends," I muttered, having Ashido continue to go on about who she now ships me with. But this was all stopped by the sound of the classes vice rep.

"We should really hurry and head out or else we'll get in trouble," Yaoyorozu voiced, managing to get Ashido to give up on her assault on me and begin walking out with Hagakure beside her.

Now that I had finished getting dressed, I grabbed my bag and began walking out, this time with Yaoyorozu by my side.

"Hey, thanks for saving me from Ashido back there," I thanked her. In response she just giggled, brushing a piece that had come loose behind her ear.

"It's no problem."

The moment felt weird, I mean I knew that Yaoyorozu was pretty, but right now, I was mesmerized by the sight of her.

Yo! Remember that you'll have both male and female love interests in this, literally, everyone wants a piece of your ass besides most of the older characters. None of the teachers are but there will be those who are in their early twenties who will be interested, it wouldn't be as fun if we couldn't have any of the villains wanting a piece.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry it took so long to get out.

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