The tension builds

Start from the beginning

"And you've been doing what exactly?" Bruce asked.

"Come on, stop fighting, we need to deal with one thing at a time here. Nick, you didn't answer me, why is SHIELD making weapons?" Victoria said.

Nick still didn't respond.

"Nick, I can get the information I want another way and I don't think that you want me waltzing around in your mind." Victoria said.

Nick was silent for two more moments then he opened his mouth and pointed to Thor.

"It's because of him." Nick said.

Thor looked confused.

"Me?" Thor asked.

Victoria looked a little confused as well.

"Last year earth had a visitor from another planet, one with a grudge that leveled a small town. We learned that we are not only are we not alone but that we are hopelessly- hilariously out guned." Nick said.

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet." Thor said.

"Yeah but you're not the only people out there, your not the only threat. The world is filling up with people that can't be controlled."

"Like you control the tesseract?" Victoria asked.

Nick shot Victoria a look then Thor started to talk.

"Your work on the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it and his allies. It's signaled to everyone that Earth is ready for a higher form of war." Thor said.

"A higher form?" Steve asked.

"You forced our hand, we had to do something-" Nick got interupted by Tony.

"A nuclear deterrent, yeah cause that always calms everything right down." Tony said.

Nick turned around and looked at Tony.

"Remind me again how you made your fortune Stark?" Nick asked.

"I'm sure that if Stark still made weapons he'd be neck deep in-" Steve was interupted by Tony.

"Wait wait hold on, when did this start to become about me?" Tony asked.

"Oh I'm sorry isn't everything?" Steve asked sarcastically.

"Guys stop fighting." Victoria tried to reason.

"I thought that humans were more evolved than this." Thor said.

Nick turned around to face Thor.

"Excuse me, do we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" Nick asked.

"Are you boys really that naive? SHIELD monitors potential threats." Natasha said.

"Captain America is a potential threat?" Bruce asked.

"We all are." Natasha said.

Everyone started fighting and the tension between the team increased dramatically.

"You speak of control yet you cause chaos." Thor said.

"That's what we are aren't we? We're not a team we're a chemical mixture that causes chaos, we're- we're a time bomb." Bruce said.

"You need to step away." Nick said.

"Why? Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Tony asked as he put his hand on Steve's shoulder.

Steve slapped Tony's hand off.

"You know dang well why back off!" Steve said.

"Oh I'm wondering if your gonna make me?" Tony said.

"Guys stop fighting!" Victoria said.

"Oh right..." Steve walked around Tony. "...big man in a suit of armor, take that off and what are you?"

"Genius Billionaire Boyfriend Philanthropist." Tony replied.

Victoria slapped her face. All that was true but in the moment it wasn't helpful.

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage, all you really fight for is yourself. Your not the kind of guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on the wire and let the other guy crawl over you." Steve said.

"I think that I'd just cut the wire." Tony said.

Steve smiled and looked at Victoria. He looked back at Tony.

"Always a way out, you know your not a threat but you need to stop pretending to be a hero." Steve said.

"A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment Rogers, everything special about you came out of a bottle." Tony said.

Victoria bit her lip and stopped herself from saying something that she might regret.

"Put on the suit. Let's go a couple rounds." Steve said.

"Steve stop." Victoria said.

"No Stark needs to have this." Steve said.

Suddenly Thor's laugh filled the room.

"You people are so petty and tiny." He said.

"Thor, please don't add to this." Victoria tried to reason.

"This has gone on long enough, Agent Romanoff can you escort doctor Banner to-" Nick got interupted by Bruce.

"To where? You rented my room." Bruce said.

"The cell was just in case-" Nick was interupted again.

"In case you needed to kill me, you can't, I know, I tried." Bruce said.

The whole room fell silent and Bruce found it obvious that he would have to explain.

"I got low, I didn't see an end so I stuck a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on I tried helping people, I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show- you want to know my secret agent Romanoff, you wanna know how I say calm?" Bruce asked.

Suddenly everyone slowly put there hands closer to there weapons. Victoria's hair slowly turned white and her blue eye color melted into white.

"Doctor Banner, put down the scepter." Steve said.

Bruce looked down and realized that he had unconsciously grabbed Loki's scepter. Suddenly a ding came from the model that was tracking the Tesseract. Bruce put the scepter down and walked over to the model.

"Sorry kids you don't get to see my party trick today." Bruce said.

"Tony we can get to where ever the tesseract is faster. Let's go get our suits." Victoria said.

"Right sweetheart." Tony said.

"Hey we're not done here." Steve said as he grabbed Tony's arm.

Tony pushed Steve's hand off of his arm.

"I'm not afraid of you." Tony said.

"Put on the suit." Steve said.

"Guys stop fighting, we have the location of the Tesseract, put your differences aside and let's get this job done." Victoria said.

Suddenly an explosion of light and fire erupted from the center of the room. 

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