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I don't remember how I got to this point.

I really don't remember the last thing I was doing before this either.

I have to return this. This Septor. It's the only way for us to live.

I want to live.

Dumbledore has got mad. I used to admire him and love him as a grandfather. I felt like he was always there. I hadn't realized how true that feeling was.

I have lost contact with Ron. The last I saw him was hugging his goodbye to his mother before a loud bang made everything crumble down on them.

Sadly, the burrow was never going to be the same.

What I thought were deadeaters werent deadeaters at all.

After all, im pretty sure madeye 'Moody' Alasto wasn't a deadeater, but Dumble's soldier.

Doesn't mean the deadeaters aren't after me too.

I can't trust anyone. They are all too deep inside his pockets for me to ask help. Not that I would expect then to help.

After all, now, Im 'dark' but 'redemable' and must be captured alive.

"Dumbledore's orders."
Zachary had said to me as he and many others send stunners our way.

A tug at my hand brought me out of my memories.

"Come on, harry. We don't have much time."

The only one who can help me is her.

Hermione Granger.

With her by my side, we have discover and uncovered many lies.

Dumbledore has lied to us about so many things, I dont even know what's real and what's not.

He said he onced did cared, but at this point I don't count on it.

In this darkness, I hold on to her rough hand.
It is the only thing that tells me she is still here. Still with me.

And with all this people around us, that's its actually her.

After all, We are in the Train Station Tunnel Of Magik.

And you never know what's happening down here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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