
The Tower's basement ran deep, accommodating dark labs for radioactive experiments, the massive reactor that kept the Tower powered, and old storage that was tossed down into hidden away rooms and forgotten. It was the perfect place, then, for the little room Tony had had remodeled when the Avengers first made the Tower their home.

Cold concrete and steel, grey on grey, made up the entirety of the room. A chair, also solid metal, was bolted into the ground in the center, a single light set into the ceiling itself right above it. Chains, one on each side, were embedded into the concrete ground.

Nick Fury, in all of his big coat, eye-patch, stupid looking Neo-getup, was seated in the chair, his hands secured in the chains and held at his sides. His head lolled forward, barely moving as he slowly regained consciousness.

Steve watched from the door, his face cold and stony. Tony had only briefly told him about what happened before he was out the door and in his lab, asking FRIDAY for any information on Peter's whereabouts and condition.

Natasha wasn't much more help. She had been a bit of a mess, Clint barely getting her to breath evenly before taking her to her room.

"Finally up?" the super soldier called. Fury stirred more, pulling his head up and glaring at the man through heavily lidded eyes.

"You hit me."

"You seemed to be putting my friend through hell."

The man in the chair pulled his hands up to his lap in vain, the chains making a hard clink as they were pulled tight. "You're restraining me?"

"All threats to the team are restrained until a thorough interrogation has been carried out."

Steve looked down at his watch. It'd been hours now. As far as he knew, Natasha was still sleeping, Tony was still working, and Peter was still off Gods know where.

"I can feel the disappointment from here," Fury said, his eyes boring into Steve's face, which was still down-turned. "Mr. America doesn't like me anymore."

Steve snorted, unable to control himself. "I was never really a big fan to begin with."

"So why are you so grumpy now?"

The super soldier was silent. He didn't like talking to threats without backup.

"Not talking? That's okay. You don't have to talk, you just have to listen." Fury shifted, his hands pulling at the cold metal. "I make heroes. It's what I do. You could even say it's my super-power." The man chuckled to himself, the laugh rumbling through his throat.

"I made you. Stark. Hell, even Bucky. You're all because of me. Because I got you off. Because I mediated government deals. Even Natalia, little Natalia. You know, I met her so young. So cold. She was easy to make an agent out of, she came pre-programmed."

Steve bit his lip, refusing to give this man what he wanted. A reaction.

"And Peter. Little Peter. Have you gotten to know him yet, Captain? He really is a sweet kid, so bouncy and light. I had to knock some of that out of him when we first started training him, he could barely hold aim. He was so weak, it blasted him back the first time he ever shot a gun. Did you know he loves Star Wars? That's how I used to get him to train when he was a kid. I told him it was just like Jedi training. He was just like Luke Skywalker."

Steve pushed the image of Peter, small and scrawny, brown curls hanging over doe eyes, out of his head. He couldn't let himself lose control now.

"Steve." The man looked up at the sound of Tony's voice. "I got a track on Peter's phone, he was with Ned. I sent Bucky to get him."

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