Chapter 2: Meeting My Mate

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Its been a week since the Avian Massacre I've been living in Wyatt's room not even knowing the guy I set up my hammock and built a book shelf for the books from the library. Wynter has been showing me around and I've met all the other wolves its defiantly a lot smaller then the flock. Today's the day Wyatt is supposed to get back and i'm afraid hes not open to the ideal of me living with him. Right now i'm chaining into a black tank top with a grey vest with white feathers at the shoulders and white jeans. "Jacob you in there" Wynter asks.

"Come in" I shout. She walks in and looks around my side of the room. "Wow this is nice" she compliments. "Thanks" I chuckle. "well I came to grab you Wyatt is supposed to back In about 5 minutes and hes never late." "then lets go" I said already walking out of the room Wynter sprinting to catch up once we were outside we met up with Willa. "Hey Willa" Wynter shouted running up and giving her a hug. "Why isn't Wyatt back yet" Wynter asked. "I don't know and I'm starting to get worried" Willa sighed. I walked up to them. "how about I fly around and see if he just lost his way or got injured" I suggested. "Thats a great ideal" Wynter piped up. Thats all i needed and I took a running start and jumped into the air flapping my wings to catch speed.

30 Minutes Later

Come on where are you I shouted in my head I've been up here for about 30 minutes and no sign of him. I'm about to turn back until I hear whimpering I pinpoint the sound and find a clearing to land I walk about 5 minutes to get to the location. "Who's there" I Heard some one shout. "Wyatt is that you, your sister Willa sent me to find you" I said calmly. "really" "yes"I answered and walked out of the shadows. Wyatt gasped and looked scared trying to get away from me "y..o..u..r not a werewolf" he shuddered.

"No I'm Avian but my flock was killed buy hunters so your pack took me in" I said giving him a calming smile ",Willa's worried about you, but to help you, you have to give me your trust". "Ok" Wyatt said trying to get up but falling over grabbing his leg "AHHH" he screamed. I ran over to him to see a giant Cut all the way down his calf. "oh my god" I said. I Quickly pulled out my pocket knife and cut of my Jean legs making them shorts and wrapped them around his leg and tied them. "you wont be able to walk ,but you can at least you should be able to stand. I said pulling him up. "I'm going to have to carry you while I fly are you ok with that?" I asked. "y...e..s" he stuttered. I used one of my arms to wrap under his legs and used the other to support his back. I walked back to the clearing were I landed and took of from there taking only about half the time it took to find Wyatt to get him back to The Den.

When I land I see Willa's revealed but scared face I sprinted over to them placing Wyatt gently on one of The large rocks and walked over to them. "Wynter go watch him Willa I need a word" I said in a hushed tone. Wynter nodded and walked over to Wyatt. "Its bad, he has a giant cut up his calf its burnt around the edges meaning it was most likely a silver bullet hes a good as dead unless I use one of the flocks oldest secretes to kick start his Moonstone basically over powering it to have immense healing property, but in return my charge will be drained." I said a little shaky at the last part. "Do it if you want I dont want to force you to do anything harming to yourself"

Willa sighed. I thought for a moment "ill do it". Then without saying another word I walked over to Wyatt and hovered my hands over his moonstone and started chanting "It is not this soul's time, transfer power between us fix what has been done before the fall of the sun" after that final word I saw his and mines moonstone glow as I saw the white energy come out of mine and into his I also noticed the cut on his calf healing. then almost as nothing happened it just stopped no more light I looked down at his calf it was 100% healed. "OMG" Wynter said "hes healed thank you".

"Of course" I replied. "what happened" Wyatt said shaky. "I healed you" I said calmly siting down next to him putting my hand on his back. he looked over at me "thank you". I was going to answer back but when I looked into his eyes I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw Me and him growing old and being together forever. "Your my mate" we both said at the same time. "OMG EHHHHHH" Wyter screeched. "oww my ears" I complained. "I don't care you guys found your mate" She squealed some more. I looked over at Wyatt and only saw love in his eyes. Thats to be expected due to your mate automatically loving you. I grabbed Wyatts vest and pulled him into a kiss.

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