"I saw Max," Mom blurted out. "Medina?" Rory raised her eyebrow. "Yeah he's back for the Bicentennial," Mom told us.

"It'll be good to see him again," I said.

Mom decided to visit Sookie after dinner and me and Rory went straight home and the phone rang.

Rory answered it. "Hello, this is Rory, you're what?!"

She covered the phone with her hand. "She's putting me through to Charleston and Paris!"

"Put it on speaker I wanna hear," I smirked. "Ladies, hello, I hope you're having a pleasant evening," Charleston said as me and Rory tip-toed to my room.

"Yes sir," Rory mumbled, clinging onto me like a koala. "Very pleasant," Paris said.

"I was very impressed with both of your speeches today," Charleston said and I hugged Rory as a silent congratulations.

"That's nice who won?"

Paris just wanted to get straight to the point. "I couldn't choose just one, both of you will be speaking, combine your speeches and present them as a whole, I'd like the revised version on Tuesday."

The phone clicked. "Well good luck with that," I said to Rory. "I'm still here Heather!"

"Sorry," I mumbled. Rory hung up the phone. "Kill me," Rory muttered.


I was sitting on my bed, watching The Ring and Paris suddenly burst into my room.

It was pitch black and I actually screamed. Out loud, as if I was dying. "You scared the shit out of me," I panted, holding a hand over my heart.

"I slept with him," Paris told me sitting down on my bed. "You what?" I wondered.

"With Jamie, last night, I did it with him, next to a fire," she said. "I don't know how I should feel, are you for it? Against it? Or in the middle."


Rory came into my room. "I said not to go in, especially during a horror movie!"

"I need advice!" Paris exclaimed. "Both of us are virgins," Rory stated. "At least I think she's still a virgin."

"Oh for Christ sake," I muttered. "Did you and Jess have sex?" Paris asked me. "No, no," I rambled.

I took a deep breath before asking the questions. "Were you both safe?"


"Was he nice to you?"


"The two of you had discussed this beforehand right?" I wondered. "Well, it was implied," Paris told me. "But consensual."

"Right well that's a good thing," I muttered.

Rory started giggling. "What?" I asked her. "Whenever you're uncomfortable you always have a look on your face that makes me think you're going through constipation," she giggled.

"Oh gee, thanks Ror," I shot the death stare. "So you never had sex with Dean?" Paris asked Rory.


"And you never did it with Jess."

"I already answered this question," I sighed. "Well when you're dating a boy for some time, intercourse is inevitable, how long have you and Dean been dating?" Paris looked at Rory.

"Two years," Rory mumbled. "And she and Jess have been dating for a year?"

"Since the summer," I told Paris. "Paris, not everything can be analysed and I think this can be a pretty good example."

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