- chapter thirty-two

Start from the beginning

"Oh. Hey," she sits up on the bench, rubbing her eyes. Everyone is looking at her.

          "You really fell asleep, huh?" He stands up, laughter on his tone.

          "I call it a talent," she shrugs. She has always been able to sleep pretty much anywhere. Sometimes choices are limited and sleep is vital. "Where are we?" She tries to see the windshield of the cockpit from where she's sat but fails.

           "The wonderful planet of kijimi!" Finn announces. Florence looks to Poe for confirmation and he nods.

She blinks a few times in disbelief. "Why does everyone want to go to kijimi?!" She asks, lips parted. She runs her hands down her face, groaning loudly. She has been there once and she had no intention of ever going back but it seems she has no choice.

"Because I happen to know someone there that can get the information we need out of threepio," Poe supplies. "Trust me I did not want to go but we are sort of out of options here. We are what, some twenty odd hours away from the attack?"

          Florence looks at him through her fingers. "I feel like I should've been awake to hear this decision." She mumbles into her palms.

          "Yeah well you're better of with sleep," Rey chimes in, her spirits seemingly raised since the last time Florence saw her.

          Florence nods. There's something awkward about this whole thing — like they know something she doesn't. No one says anything. They're acting weird. "Did you tell them?" She looks at Rey, confused.

          Rey frowns. "Of course not! You asked me not to so I haven't." 

          Poe lights up, mouth shaped like an O in surprise. "See! I guessed this was the case! Finn and I made a bet on it," he smirks.

           "We did not!" Finn protests from the cockpit. "We were on the same side! I was literally the one who said I think you're pregnant!"

           Florence stares at them, unable to get a word out at first. She looks to Rey, then Poe.  "How? I mean, do I look it?"

           Finn joins them in the back. "No, you honestly don't. It was more of a... a feeling, I guess. I can't explain it, it was just a stupid theory I had a few days ago that Poe took a bit too seriously." As he does everything, his eyes seem to say.

           Florence smiles, nodding once as she picks away at her nails. She doesn't mind them knowing, they are her friends, after all. A family, maybe even. She loves them as sister would love her siblings. "Well, you can't tell anyone. Not a single soul."

          "Obviously," Poe nods. Florence looks at him, raising a brow. "I mean it! I would never."

"I cannot believe I was right!" Finn laughs, running his hands through his hair. "Holy shit. Well, that's great, Florence. Despite all, that is great."

          She offers him a tight-lipped smile. A 'congratulations' doesn't seem so very fitting considering the circumstances, but she appreciates it either way. A strange looking droid approaches her. "Who's this, then?" Florence looks at him, the droid in the shape of a cone screwed on top of a squeaky wheel.

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