Episode 2 (witch)

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Awhhhh high school I love high school, my favourite teacher Mr Battyaxe (hehe for abir) he was our history teacher the class where I was with my amazing girlz. (Cringe aff)
"Okay someone tell me where the Great Depression happened?" Mr Battyaxe asks
"In your History call" Naj says not respecting the content we learn the amazing things that makes us us today.
"The Great Depression happened in Germany, after the French invaded the Ruhr, so Germans went on strike and hyperinflation and blah blah blah something about Wall Street even more blah blah blah" Jamzalah says which was the most interesting thing I had heard that day.
In that class I was sat next to Felicia and Florida, they were the best we all sat at the back talking about everything but history and then when mr battyaxe asked us what we were doing we would say we were talking about history and he had ear problems bcs we were not talking about how we would plan his death or get him sacked.
"Uno this morning I walked passed a bratz doll" Felicia said
"Oooh really??" I said
"OMG bratz dolls are so scary omg" Florida said
"I agree" Battyaxe said, making the whole class turn around and gossip with us.
"Ughhh I want someone to punch her in the face" says Hilda, one of my Tesco meal deal bud says.
Once lesson ended, me, Naj and Anne and Jamzalah we're walking to the Music department to find our lovely little Lani, and then we walked passed the Bratz dolls... dun dun dunnnn
"Quick we need to hide" Anne said
"No shit Anne" Jamzalah said slapping the back of her head.
"Nah let's beat them up" I say
"Noo hunny no ur not getting kicked out" my mum Naj says, she pulls out her massive Bosta and gets out an invisibility cloak and then we hide under it making us all invisible.
The Bratz doll Britney was walking towards us and then I decided to stick my foot out for her to trip over and she does and tumbles down the stairs breaking her nose and back , we all quickly run away from there while she is screaming and then we go find Lani and tell her all about it at dinner while the paramedics were getting a wheelchair bed buggy thing, wheeling her out of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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