"I guess I didn't want to get her in trouble." I tear up a bit myself.

"Don't get mad at Anna, Bruce," Lori says quietly from under his arm. "Be mad at me."

Dad looks down at her, confused. "Why?""

"Because I knew."

Whoa. I hold my breath and look between Lori and Dad nervously. "What do you mean, 'you knew'?" His voice is oddly calm and slightly disbelieving all at the same time. "Knew what, exactly?"

Lori lets out a distressed sigh and her shoulders slump. Dad keeps his arm around her, but he inches back a bit. "I knew what she was planning on doing. The modeling."

"Modeling? You call this modeling?" Dad's voice rises. "You… allowed this?"

Lori's voice is shaky and she's staring at Dad with big, watery eyes. "I didn't allow it, but I knew she was going to do it. It's not like she needed my permission. What was I supposed to do? She's nineteen years old. My relationship with Rosalie isn't a good one, I wasn't going to throw her out on the streets because she wanted to model nude."

Dad sits staring at Lori, speechless like me. "This isn't nude modeling," Dad eventually says, sadness in his voice. "This is pornography."

"I can see that," Lori snaps. "I didn't know! You think I like seeing my baby like this? You think this is my dream for her?" She cries harder and I feel for her. After what Harry  told me about Rosalie's dad and step-father, I can maybe understand why Lori wouldn't want to be the same kind of shitty parent that disowns her.

Shifting in my chair, I feel uncomfortable, like I'm sitting in on a conversation I have no right to be a part of. I watch Dad closely, afraid that this is going to do him in–I had no idea he felt so strongly for Rosalie that he'd be so affected by what she does.

It makes me wonder if Rosalie had known of Dad's fatherly, protective feelings towards her, would she be doing what she's doing? There's no way to know, but it makes me sad she had no idea.

Dad takes a deep breath and I can see his eyes start to glisten. "Do you know where she is?" he asks her, and I feel guilty I've been so caught up in Harry, I barely noticed when she was home and when she wasn't.

"Vince has an apartment in Encino. She's been staying there on and off."

As soon as she says it, my blood races. My eyes shift between the two of them, weighing my words. There's no easy way. "Harry said there's a booming business, um, adult films and videotape." I swallow. "In Encino."

"Oh my god," Lori wails.

"Lori, you need to call her and tell her to come home so we can talk some sense into her."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to keep this from you, I swear. I thought it was just a phase, something she needed to do to make herself feel better." Lori grips his arm like he's going to walk away.

Instead, Dad pulls her into a tight hug. "I love that girl, Lori. You are my family, and I need to know everything that goes on so I can help you."

"I was afraid you'd leave us."

He pulls back and puts his hands on her face. "I made vows to you, Lori. I don't take those lightly. And those vows include Rosalie and Anna. I'm not going anywhere."

Lori lets out a loud sob and collapses against Dad's chest while reaching out a hand to me. I take it, and grip hers firmly. "I'll find Rosalie," she says. "I'll get her home."

I sure hope skeezeballs are listed in the phone book.

* * *

It's almost closing time at the Dog and I'm telling Aimee about the morning's events while we listen to disco solely because Cook doesn't like it. Abba is playing loudly and even though I make fun of it, I resist the urge to sing along because I secretly harbor feelings for the Swedish quartet.

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