The question

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30 minutes have passed since the whole texting thing, Aizawa was lying at the classroom floor staring at the ceiling until his vision was blocked by a certain broccoli haired boy.

"If you've got something to say then say it" Aizawa said as he looked at the nervous boy.

"U-uhm.... We were wondering if... Uhm... If..." Izuku stuttered.

"Hmm?" Aizawa hummed in response.

"If... Uhm..." Izuku continued to stutter.


"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down Midoriya" Aizawa said.

"S-sorry...." Izuku apologized.

"Now if you could please repeat that again," Aizawa said as he stepped out of his sleeping bag and stood up to face his entire class who were waiting patiently for something.

"Uhm... Everyone is wondering if... You have a wife or girlfriend," Izuku said almost inaudibly.

"That is none of you business," Aizawa said firmly.

"bUT SENSEI!" Uraraka protested.

"No buts, as students you are obligated to respect your teacher's priva---"

Knock! Knock!

Texting || Aizawa Shota X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now