Science babies

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Jemma Simmons sat nervously on the edge of the toilet seat, her whole body shaking as she held a little stick in her hand. She'd never felt so nervous, even being swept off your feet and falling through the clouds to your death wasn't as painful as this.
Her phone vibrated as she quickly opened her eyes, hiding the stick out of sight whilst turning her alarm off. Jemma felt her palms sweating, so much so that the stick slipped from her hands, leaving her desperately trying to catch it.

It only thudded quietly on the ground, her long awaited answer facing into the floor. She couldn't take this any longer. So she wiped the sweat off her hands onto her black skinny jeans and leant down to pick the stick up and turned it over...

It, it, it was positive? But how? She and Fitz had used contraception every time they'd had sex. So how? How was this possible? Jemma stood up, the pregnancy test still in her hand as she paced around her room, thinking of every possible reason why she was pregnant.
Drunken sex? Hmm, no. Not used contraception? Hmm, no again. The condom breaking?
This was the only logical explanation she could think of.

She tapped the stick against her palm before placing it onto her cabinet. Her hands slowly moved down to her chest, stroking her skin as if the growing organism inside her could feel it. Jemma Simmons didn't know what to do, or what she wanted. Life was hard enough without having to think about a little one. But then it suddenly struck her. What would Fitz want? How could she tell him?

FitzSimmons // biologyWhere stories live. Discover now