"I know, I can never use that excuse anymore." Tony said with a smile.

Victoria smiled and her eyes turned white for two seconds then turned back into blue. Tony smiled and put his hand through Victoria's hair.

"I will make up for that comment." Tony said.

He leaned in and kissed her. He pulled away and she looked at him with a playfully annoyed face.

"You are a cheater... that's not fair." Victoria said.

"Sure, but did it work?" Tony asked.

"Do it again and you'll know." Victoria said with a smile spread across her lips.

Tony was about to kiss her again but then JARVIS's voice came up on the intercom.

"Sir, it seems my protocols are being overridden." JARVIS said.

Tony let out an annoyed sigh. He grabbed his high tech phone and it showed a picture of Phil. Victoria giggled.

"You have reached the live model decoy of Tony Stark." Tony said.

"This is urgent." Phil said.

"Then leave it urgent." Tony said.

Suddenly the elevator opened and Phil was standing in the elevator.

"Security breach." Tony said.

Victoria's eyes lit up. She stood up and walked over to Phil.

"Phil! Come in." She said.

"Phil?" Tony asked himself.

Tony stood up and sped walked over to Victoria.

"Uh, his first name is Agent." Tony said.

Phil had an electronic file and he showed it to Victoria and Tony.

"We need you both to look over this." Phil said.

Phil tried to give it to Tony but Tony backed up. And put his hand out in a stopping motion.

"I don't like being handed things." Tony said.

Victoria playfully rolled her eyes.

"That's great because I love being handed things." Victoria said.

Phil handed the file to Victoria then she gave it to Tony. She smiled and Tony looked playfully betrayed. He turned and looked at Phil.

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday." Tony said.

Victoria smiled and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"That is make up for your comment earlier." Victoria whispered.

Tony rolled his eyes and walked to one of the stations while opening the file.

"Is this about the avengers?" Victoria asked.

Phil raised his eyebrow.

"Which of course I know nothing about." Victoria quickly said.

"The avengers were scrapped, and I didn't even qualify." Tony said.

"I didn't know that either." Victoria said.

Victoria totally knew everything that they were talking about. She had read their minds a while ago.

"Yeah I am apparently narcissistic, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Tony said.

"I knew all of those, agree with only two." Victoria said.

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore." Phil said.

"Ms. Lockhart a word please?" Tony asked as he put his finger up, signalling her to come to him.

"Sorry, I will go look over the file. Make yourself comfortable Phil." Victoria said.

Victoria sped walked over to Tony. She stood right next to him looking at Tony entering a code to get into the file.

"I thought...we were having a moment." Tony said.

"I was having twelve percent of a moment." Victoria said.

Tony's lips formed a one-sided grin.

"This must be serious, I mean Phil is pretty shaken up about it." She paused. "And nothing phases Phil."

"Yeah okay, but why is he Phil?" Tony asked.

"Because that is his name. Anyway, what is this?" Victoria asked.

"This is the avengers." Tony said.

He spread out the information on the file and it turned holographic and it displayed right in front of them.

"Wow, that's some pretty serious stuff." Victoria said.

"Yeah, maybe we could make this work a late night." Tony suggested.

"Okay, well I can make sure that we will have twelve percent of a late night." Victoria said.

"Are you never going to let that go?" Tony asked.

"Not anytime soon." Victoria said with a smile. "I am going to show Phil out then I will come back and help you figure out...this." Victoria said.

"Okay." Tony said.

Victoria gave Tony a small kiss on his cheek then walked over to Phil.

"So what about that cellist?" Victoria asked as her and Phil were walking into the elevator.

"She moved back to Portland." Phil replied.

"What!?" Victoria said genuinely confused. "Boo!" She said with true disappointment in her voice.

The elevator closed and Tony opened a part of file called, The Tesseract.

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