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Last but certainly not least, Hannah John-Kamen as Andrea Swarbrick

Mom didn't get mad at Rory. Although Kirk bragging about his victory didn't help whatsoever.

Things were hella awkward. Between me and Jess and me and Rory. Awkward was the understatement of the year.

Last night was the biggest disaster of the year.

Scratch that, century.

"My God," Tessa said for the fifth time this morning. "I still can't believe that happened so what exactly happened?"

"I'm too tired to explain," I yawned. "So who dumped who?"

"Rory broke up with Dean because he thought she had her eye on Jess and vice versa," I mumbled. "He only has eyes for you anyway, I've hardly seen him and Rory exchanging so much as a conversation," Tessa pointed out.

"Exactly," I agreed. "I'll keep an eye on him in school, in case Dean starts picking a fight," she offered. "God this is so awful," I groaned. "Poor Rory didn't deserve any of that."

Mom and Rory walked into Luke's and Rory joined me and Tessa. "You okay?" I asked her. "Not really," she mumbled. "Hezzy told me what happened, I'm sorry," Tessa gave Rory a small hug. "Thanks Tessa," Rory gave her a small smile.

"Mom still grumpy about Kirk winning?" I asked Rory. "Yup," she sighed. "Last night was such a disaster! Have you and Jess spoken since?"

I shook my head. "I'm gonna after school."

"I'm so sorry," Rory mumbled. "You've got nothing to apologise for," I told her.

"I bet ten bucks your mom is gonna steal that trophy," Tessa laughed. "So if she does, I have to give you ten bucks?"

Tessa smiled and sipped her coffee. Rory showed me her watch. "I'll get the donuts," I offered.

I walked over to the counter. "Two please," I said to Luke. Jess came out from upstairs and froze once he saw us. "Hi," he mumbled. "Hey," I murmured. Luke handed me the donuts. "Bye," I muttered and I walked away.

"Awkward," Mom sang. Rory shot her the death stare and we walked out. "That was pretty awkward," Rory pointed out as she took her donut.


"What part of 'no walnuts' doesn't she understand!" Grandma ranted as we were waiting ten years for the salad.

"Mistakes happen," Mom pointed out. "That woman has zero work ethic," she mumbled. "You made her redo it four times so she has some," Mom commented.

"I like things done correctly," Grandma stated. "The first time," Grandpa muttered. "In Europe they have the salad last and main course first," Mom piped up.

"Lorelai," Grandma sighed. "Fine, we'll be European tonight!"

"I was getting tired of being American so this is a nice change," Grandpa smiled.

"I'm gonna get another soda," Rory said, standing up. "Come on Hezzy." The two of us got up and went into the kitchen. Rory handed me a can and I started pouring it into a glass.

"Did you find them?" Grandpa asked us. "Yep," Rory told him as she opened her own soda. "Good, ah here's the ice," Grandpa said. "And chocolate."

"Bless you!" I cheered as he handed me and Rory chocolate. "How's school?" he asked us. "Good," I said. "Little crazy."

"Preparing for college is quite daunting," Grandpa pointed out. "I was so stressed out whilst preparing for Yale, didn't cut my hair for two months, but it was worth it, my years at Yale were the most gratifying ones of my life. My father went there and I made wonderful friends, of whom I'm still in contact with."

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