Amy Kiriwo's Introduction

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Amy Kiriwo's P.O.V

  Hello, everyone. My name is Amy Kiriwo, Third-Year student of demon school Babyls. I'm gonna tell you about how I met a wonderful person at school. It was just on the Battler Trial period after the Rookie Hunt, I was walkin' 'round the halls of the Battler Tower with a big load on my back and sunddenly, two students crashed into me. My bag went off, and even most of what's inside. The two students who ran into me were a boy and a girl. Let me describe 'em seperately.

  The girl had wavy dark blue hair, sharp eyes with seperate colours: red on her right and blue on her left, and she had fair skin. She was wearin' a white dress shirt with a white gold jabot, a black military lookin' jacket, a black knee-length skirt with a white ribbon sewn through the pleats, a pair of black tights and black shoes.

  The boy had spiky blue hair with a hair tuft, blue innocent eyes, qnd the same skin tone as the girl. But he was wearin' the Babyls school uniform for boys.

  Anyway, I thought I was a goner, 'cause they pretty much spooked me. They thought I was dead because of my bleedin'. I told them that it ain't somethin' to worry about and I cough up blood all the time. I realised that they were wearin' somethin' I know about. The girl was wearin' the Ring of Pride, while the boy was wearin' he Gluttonous Feeder Ring. I explained that might have been the reason why we bumped into each other; they were made of the same metal as my collar.

  Then two other freshmen were complainin' about the mess on the hallways we made. Nonetheless of my apologising, the blue-haired duo helped me out. The ones who were complainin' earlier were in a slight panic that I'm an upperclassman, until they saw my ranking badge said that I'm a Bet (2). One of them kicked one of my things at my face before walkin' off and the other person called me a loser. Then, something went in the girl. She turned out to have spider-like abilities, judgin' from her web-slingin', strange claws and extra set of eyes. I couldn't believe what she did, she stood up for me and scared them until they fainted.

  She asked me about my rank being a problem to them and I told her that I didn't have much magic and even told her and the other guy about somethin'. Maybe one day, even demons who don't have a lot of magic will still be able to use magic. That's the kind of magical apparatus I want to create. After that, the girl gave me this message that never left my head.

"No matter thinks you're not fit for this, no matter how weak you are, no matter how low your rank is, you'll grab your ambition in the meantime. Because you're the one with this goal that no other demon can touch. That is a wonderful goal to help those without much magic, and that makes you a wonderful demon."

  Those words never left me at all. I was in awe and that touched me a lot. After we cleaned up, I took my bag and went on my way. But little did I know, that we would me again. Turns out, those two were twins and they were the Chair-Demon's grandchildren. The girl was named Suzuki Ryūko, while the boy was Suzuki Iruma. We met for a second time at my Battler room. I was the only member of the Magical Apparatus Battler, actually. I showed them a few things, but I used my magic until my limit. When I did, Ryūko-chan was a nice person, she doesn't care 'bout my ranks or weak abilities and respects me as her upperclassman. That is somethin' very interesting about her.

  After that day, she and Iruma-kun came over again after I messed up an apparatus again. This tine, they came with three other demons. They told that they were all joining my Battler and I fainted at the spot after trembling.

  Who knew I'd meet such a nice person. To be honest, I really like her. She doesn't care about what most other demons see 'bout me and treats me like any upperclassman. She was a pretty girl, though she can be scary sometimes. I guess I should be leavin' off my introduction her. See y'all in the rest of the story. I hope you'll enjoy.

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