Chapter 1

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The merchant and shopkeeper slowly set shop in a random town. "So Mallow honey where are we going next?" The shopkeeper asked. " Oh well you see every two years the Necro Kingdom's king holds a ball for the blood moon I thought that this would be a good way to have some fun I really never went to this things I only ever went once with Elran so I like to go with you" The merchant told her. "Oh ok then I love to go" The shopkeeper told her. "Good because the ball is not that far away" The merchant told her. "That's good I can't wait for it" The shopkeeper told her. "That's great, but what's that floating white shit in the air" The merchant asked. "Oh not those again I swear I don't need to show them every I do" the shopkeeper said in an annoyed voice. "Wait, Asuna , who don't you have to tell them everything?" The merchant asked her. "The other gods'' the shopkeeper told her.  "What other gods!?" The merchant asked. "Oh right I never told you here sit down I'll explain it" the shopkeeper told the merchant as they sat at the dinner table. "Ok now can you explain this who thing to me?" The merchant asked. "Sure so basically have you ever wonder magic comes from?" The shopkeeper asked the merchant. 

"Not really I kinda never learned that shit I just built my body, but tell me anyway" The merchant told her. "Ok so you she magic just exists in a different plain and anyone can call on it and bring it to this world, but there needs to be a gateway so that's where we come in my and the other gods are the gateway to make sure no one tries to use all the magic at the same time, that's why we can control who uses are type of magic and why we can live forever because someone has to be the gate like if anyone were to kill me they would become the new god of love, anyways that's the basics any questions?" The shopkeeper asked her.

"Well maybe just a few like how scrolls work, so do all magic have gods, and how much do you love me" the merchant asked her.

"Scrolls are filled with magic straight from the source. No not all magic have gods only the basics have gods any other type of magic is a different version of basic magic or a fusion of basic magic, like here are some examples healing magic is just love magic at a different level, decay is just wind and fire and I love you with all my heart" the shopkeeper told her. "Aww thank you, but I didn't understand most of that,but thanks for explaining" The merchant told her. "Your welcome and I'll explain anything you need," the shopkeeper told her. "So why do the other gods want with you?" The merchant asked. "Oh they heard I got married and want to meet you, but they're always so high and mighty" the shopkeeper told her. "Oh I like to meet the other gods. I want to see how they like" The merchant told her. "Really trust me you wouldn't be happy about it," the shopkeeper told her. "Come on please I really want to see what the other gods are like come on tell me about them" the merchant told her. "Fine I'll tell you about them so there are 5 other gods. They are Elina,Vergil,Gordon,Bob,and Sue. They all different and want me to show them to you, but I don't want to go their annoying" the merchant told her. "Oh come on it can't be that bad and wouldn't it be nice to show other people our love" the merchant told her while hugging her. "Ok fine I'll show you them let's just hope no one uses love magic while we're gone cause I won't do anything about it" the shopkeeper told her. "It'll be fine what's the worst that could happen so come let's go" the merchant told her. "Fine let's go meet them will start with Elina because she is the closest to our age" the shopkeeper told her. "Oh right because you guys give up your godhood and shit so how is she?" The merchant asked. "Well I was there when she first became a god so she's 125 years old"  the shopkeeper told her. "Oh ok then let's go" the merchant told the shopkeeper while picking her up in a hug. "Ok fine" the shopkeeper opened a portal and they walked through it and arrived in a rocky field. "Wow where are we?" The merchant asked. "We're in her space it's just like mine, but hers is just full of rocks" the shopkeeper explain. "Oh ok then let's go meet her" the merchant told her.

The merchant other elementsWhere stories live. Discover now