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It was raining cats and dogs.

Drew was stuck on the side of the road, under a shop's ceiling, and was using his half-sleeved jacket to protect himself.

Suddenly, a passing brunette caught his eye. She, unlike him, had an umbrella. He tried his best to hide his face under the jacket, but his distinctive emerald-green hair gave him away.

"Drew, is that you?", May asked as she walked towards him.

"No, the ghost", he responded sarcastically.

Finding Drew in the middle of the road in such a helpless state was completely unexpected for May; she was generally the one in need of a helping hand.

"Would you like to share my umbrella?", she asked politely.

"I-", he stopped mid-sentence. He knew that her intentions were of kindness and help, but the situation of two people under the same umbrella could get pretty awkward, so he gently denied her offer.

"C'mon, I promise it's no trouble. This umbrella is too big for me anyways (which it was)." According to her, he had refused due to 'pride' purposes.

"No, thanks. I am sure it'll stop in some time."

May frowned. "Are you seriously so full of yourself?"


"Don't give me that look; you know what I am talking about. Drew, everyone needs help sometime."

"Ugh no, not now."

She sighed.

He knew that she was assuming his answer as a result of his pride, but he was also sincere enough to know that there was a certain line which they were not supposed to cross.

"Drew-" She did not know what to say further - she just wanted a simple 'yes' from him.

She clearly looked hurt, and knowing that it was because of him, made Drew change his mind. "Alright, lead the way."

Her head jerked up and she gave him a short smile. "See, was it that hard?"


They had been walking in absolute silence to the next town. Their destination was the same, and they had been holding each other's hand unknowingly till then.

When May finally realised it, she deadpanned. 

The only time they had done it before, was in the Kanto Grand Festival. His hand still felt the same to her - soft and warm.


"Why don't you tell me something?", May began.

"..... Alright. So, in our last contest, you were asking me-" He was interrupted by a sigh. "I haven't even started yet. How did you get bored already?"

"Go on", she said simply.

This was, again, followed by a long silence.


Again, the brunette started, "Don't you ever feel lonely?"


"While travelling alone", she clarified.

"Not really, I've become used to it."

"Well, I do. And I am glad I found you."

Her situation was understandable. He knew that she had been travelling with a group of friends and her brother before.

He hesitated. "I'm too."

"We should spend time with each other more often then."

It was then that it struck him: she wanted to know to know him outside the contest scenario, to be both rivals and friends. The thought warmed him, and he smiled. "You know, one of my fan-girls literally suggested me to quit contests and start a hair-flipping show instead!!"

She burst out laughing on hearing that. "Seriously?!!!"

"She has literally recorded all my hair-flips and combined them into a video!", he exclaimed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, that's a fact. I won't be surprised if you do."

"Great! Another fan-girl: just what I need."

"I am not your fan-girl!"

The conversation was followed by giggles and peals of laughter.

He was not the type to share such things with anyone, but for her, he decided to make an exception.


After a while, Drew spoke, "I have not been to my home in seven years."

"Why?", she asked with a sudden mood-shift.

"Let's just say, I do not get well along with my family."

"But, why?"


Suddenly realising what she had asked out of curiousity and concern, the brunette wanted to take it all back. "I-If you're comfortable..... You know, what? For-"

"They have divorced."

"What!", she exclaimed in complete shock.

Drew hesitated.

There was an awkward silence of one minute.

She knew that it was an extremely personal matter, and thus, gave him time.

"But it doesn't affect me."

She knew that it was a lie - he was hurt.

He continued, "It feels better to tell someone.... Thanks."

"You can tell me anytime, Drew. About anything. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I've got others, right? And.... you?"

It was supposed to be a statement, but his tone made it feel like a question.

It was weird of him to respond this way in a general conversation, but his response was evidently a result of the shift of their talks.

The umbrella dropped from May's hand as she hugged him. "Of course, silly."

The two teenagers revelled in the moment. How would it matter if they got a little wet? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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