Meant to be~ Steve/Bucky

Start from the beginning

You take your ring off and throw it at Steve. One thing you noticed was Steve had tears forming in his eyes but you never saw them fall.

3 years later

You and Ben never left the Tower, Tony insisted you both stayed there because it was more safe.

After you left you found out you were pregnant with Steve's second child. A girl , you named her Diana, every time you looked at her you saw Steve and also in your son but he looked a little bit more like you. Your daughter had Steve's blue eyes and blonde hair and his smile. It hurt your heart a little but life went on. You got a job at a cafe around the corner from the tower which you enjoyed. Tony also gave you some money to help you a little to finding a house.

You ended up finding one near Clint, you were ecstatic. You liked living in the tower but sometimes you wished your kids had a some what normal life not living around danger. Obviously you knew the avengers would do anything for your kids and you but still too dangerous. But one day everything changed you were packing things getting ready to move in a couple weeks when you looked at your kids, they seemed weak so your motherly instincts kicked in and you started to check them when Ben disappeared in your arms along with Diana.

"NO NO NOT MY BABIES!" You were frantic, they were just gone all the avengers were on a important mission and had left you and the kids at the tower with FRIDAY on alert in case something happened.


You were still crying well kinda you'd stop then start crying again, it was a cycle.

When FRIDAY alerted you the others were back you rushed to where the Quinjet was landing. But stopped when you saw Steve get off the plane. Your heart breaks just like when you left that night years ago. When Steve sees you his face is half happy half I don't know disappointed.


"Hello Steve still have a picture of your only love in your pocket?"

"Y/N please just listen to me-"
"Nope I'll pass."
"Y/N please I wanna see Ben."

You pause for a minute, of course he didn't know Steve was just on a mission and wasn't there for Diana's birth (thank god) he wasn't there for three years.

"Y/N!" You look over to see Natasha rushing over to you tears falling out of her eyes. You push past Steve and run to Natasha crying actually wailing. Everyone but Steve understood why you were crying so damn hard and why you were alone.

Steve walks over to Tony.

"Why is she crying like that?"

"Well captain arsehole Y/N is crying because her two children turned to dust." Tony looks at Steve rage in his eyes, he may have been part of the team but his name was barely spoken at the tower just so you didn't break down in front of everyone.

"T-two did she find some other guy who got her pregnant?"
"No you got her pregnant for a second time! but I guess lucky for your daughter you weren't in her life from the moment she was born, actually wasn't it like that with Ben you'd go on missions understandable but when you returned home you'd just ignore him, do you know how much my heart broke when I showed Ben and picture of the team and asked him to point out his dad and he pointed to Bucky and not you! So go screw yourself Rogers find some 40s film thing or whatever and pretend it's you and the girl you kept comparing Y/N to!"

Everyone just stopped, by this point you had stopped crying and was watching to see if Steve was gonna react. But he just stood there a tear or two falling down his cheek.

"Y/N I'm sorry I-I know I was terrible to you and Ben when we were still together, but Peggy's always gonna be the love of my life you were kinda a rebound but I still love you."

"Rules of a rebound don't tell them you love them cause they might just fall for you, don't propose to them either, but don't come crawling back cause who knows if they'll take you back."  Steve tried to come closer but you ran to your kids room and cried there for the 100th time in a matter of days.

You still loved Steve but it was like he was another loss in your life.



Your kids were finally back and were getting along with Tony's daughter Morgan.

Steve decided to go back in time but a year after the ice incident. He wanted to try a life with Peggy.

You Bucky Sam and Bruce all waited five seconds for Steve to come back. But when he came back he was different, he seemed sad. He looked at you tears leaking out of his eyes. You were holding of your children's hands and they both looked at Steve with eyes full of wonder.

Steve walks over to you half expecting you to retreat like you did not so long ago. You were still processing losing Natasha and Tony. Your kids didn't fully understand. The hologram Tony left you was still playing in your mind.

Hey Y/N I just wanna say Diana and Ben are beautiful they come second to Morgan, just kidding they are just as beautiful as my little Morgan, which I'm sorry if i never said this to you properly but thank you for everything, for being what felt like part of the team and helping me and Pepper when she was pregnant with Morgan and and having your amazing kids despite where their other half comes from. Just thank you. I remember when Bucky brought you to the tower with Ben that night you looked like a mess but you still somehow kept it together for your son which I admired. Even when everything was falling to pieces you manged to keep a strong front. Gosh theres a lot I remember about you, but one my favorites was when we all first met you, we had just come back from an important mission you were in the kitchen with capsicle cause he didn't go and you were cooking a what was amazing meal. And you just made an amamzing impression, another favorite well actually it was kinda like two but when you had Ben, you were pushing and you wanted me in the room cause you said I felt like a brother to you. Anyway it was after I told captain arsehole to shut up you had just pushed Ben out and you looked away from Steve and looked at me and said come look at your nephew Tony and I guess it wasn't that hard to figure out why capsicle left the room but when you asked me to cut Ben's umbilical cord I was so happy you asked me, it was the same feeling when you asked me to be in the room when Diana was born and cut her cord. Anyway I just want you to know that I feel like you're the sister I never had and I love you like my sister, and I'm so grateful that you not only came into my life but the avengers pepper and Morgan's life and your kids are gonna turn out amazing cause they have a mum like you. I'll see you again I promise.

You snap out of your thoughts when you realise Steve is looking at you. Tear falling out of his eyes, "Y/N I'm so sorry for always comparing you to Peggy it wasn't right please let's try again."

You sigh and shake your head."No Steve, nothing will change, you may have finally had your chance with the love of your life but I haven't and unfortunately it isn't you." Steve nods his head and wraps you in a hug. You look towards Bucky , both your eyes lock for a second maybe you did love Steve but as a friend.

You pull away from Steve and look him in the eyes, but before you could say anything he does. " I know go to him I want you to be happy and if that means we just stay friends then that's good for me, I'll be a better dad and friend go to him Y/N"

You flash Steve a grateful smile and rush to Bucky's arms, you finally felt like you were where you were meant to be.

Okay I'm happy with this story, sorry for it being so long but I had an idea and went with it.

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