Chapter 4 - Dinner

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"That's cool," Mackenzie interjected, saving us from more awkward silence. "How long will you be staying? I'm sure you'll be home in time to celebrate Christmas with your family."

He shook his head. "I don't have a family to celebrate Christmas with..." Anthony looked sad, so, so sad. No family? I mean, I remember him telling me his mom died, but what about his dad? Siblings? I can't even imagine not having anyone to celebrate Christmas with.

"You can celebrate with us." The words left my mouth before I could stop them. My eyes widened, and both Scott and Mackenzie shot me glares, but it was too late.

"Really?" Anthony asked, his eyes lighting up. Oh my god, that face...How can you say no to that face?! I nodded slowly.

"Uh huh, no one will mind, right guys?" I asked, giving them a pleading glance. They only hesitated for a moment before shaking their heads no. I smiled. They were too smart to say he couldn't stay, they knew I would kill them. "Do you have a hotel yet?"

"No....Not yet." He said, giving me a strange look. I smiled, opening my mouth to respond, "But I can't stay here if that's what you're getting at. I'd be too much trouble." I frowned. He didn't want to stay here? But why?

"Nonsense, it's just one person!" I exclaimed, waving my hand in dismissal. "It's settled, you will be staying here. Don't argue."

I'm not even sure where all these words were coming from, but they certainly weren't coming from me. They were coming from deep down inside of me, the part that was afraid that if I let Anthony out of that door, he wouldn't come back for another five years. I couldn't handle him leaving, at least not yet.

When we finished dinner, everyone migrated into the living room. Well, everyone but me. I stayed behind to clean up and get dessert ready.

"Babe, you coming?!" Scott yelled from somewhere in the apartment. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"These dishes aren't going to do themselves," I replied. "I'll be there in a minute!" He sighed but left me alone. Praise God! Ever since he had moved in, Scott had been on my nerves. Our relationship was bi-polar, like he said. One minute we were in love and the next we were ripping each others heads off. I roughly shoved the plate in the sink, hissing when my hand scraped a knife. "Damn it!" I hissed, watching the blood slowly drip from the back of my hand.

"You okay?" Anthony asked, startling me. I jumped around to look at him, my eyes widening.

"Um, yeah," I sniffed, quickly grabbing a dish rag and covering my hand. "Just a scratch." He eyed me suspiciously, but let it go.

"Here, I'll do the dishes for you." He said, gently pushing me away. I scrunched my eyebrows in protest.

"But you're a guest, I'm not going to make you do that!" He laughed, shaking his head.

"If you're making me stay here, I'm not a guest." Dang, why was he always right? "Why don't you make hot chocolate for everyone? It's cold outside, I'm sure we could all use the extra warmth."

I removed the dish rag from my skin and checked my hand. It wasn't bleeding tpo bad so I just went ahead and grabbed the mugs from the cupboard. I put in the milk and hot coco packets into the cups and then placed them in the microwave. Just as the hot chocolate was done, Anthony put the last of the dishes into the dishwasher.

"We make a good team." Anthony smiled, giving me a high five. I pulled the cake Scott had gotten from the counter, looking it over. It was a chocolate vanilla swirl cake.

"Do you think this will go with the hot chocolate?" I asked, glancing back up at him.

"Um, yeah." He shrugged, grabbing a knife. While he cut I placed the pieces on plates. It was a good system, and in no time we were ready to deliver the dessert.

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