Chapter 2- Lab Partner

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The sun shone through the curtains, waking me up with a groan.

" Ughhhhh why do I have to wake up so early?" I moaned accepting the fact that I had to go to school.

Hopefully, Jerome will be there with me.

" Sylvia! Breakfast is ready!" Dad yelled from downstairs, tapping a plate.

"Hang on!"I responded with a yell, putting on my 'Thank you for nothing ' shirt and white jeans with black converse

I glanced over at my alarm clock,which I haven't used for years.

It said 7:45

"Crap.Im going to be late " I muttered, while putting on my shoes

Time for school.

I tripped down the stairs, without pain.

Already fall down the stairs nearly every day.  Where ever I am

All flights of stairs hate me.

I don't mind though.

"Arent you going to have breakfast?" Dad asked, patting the wooden, unstable seat beside him.

"No thanks dad.  I'm gonna go over to Jerome's house so he could take me." I said, putting my phone into my pocket .

He shrugged, and continued eating his food.

I opened the door, and looked around for Jerome's car.

No sign.

"guess I have to walk then." Sighing, I slung my bag over my back and walked to Jerome's house.

His house is only like 100 metres away, in the forest...

My dream from last night was in that forest

But I have to get to school.

"Sylvie!" I heard someone yell out.

I turned around to see Jerome, running towards me.

"Hey Jerome!" I responded, opening my arms for a hug.

He wrapped his arms around me, and tickled me.

"Jerome, you know I dont like getting tickled, and I am not ticklish. It just hurts." I stated, pulling away, trying to pull a serious face.

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that." He looked down.

I shrugged, and smirked.

"So. School." I broke the silence.

"Oh crap. You're gonna be late!" He said, looking down at his watch.

"What? It's only like, I dont know, 8:00?"

"School starts at 8:30! And it takes about 15 minutes to get to school, you have to get your new stuff, and alot of stuff!" Jerome pulled me towards his truck.


I looked at Jerome's timetable, just after we got out of our second class, history.

"yes! Food!" He cheered, running off, pulling me along to the cafeteria.

"Hey guys!" He greeted his friends.

"You must be Sylvia! Jerome cant shut up about you!"A boy with sandy brown hair and greenish eyes said, smiling.

"Yea. Im Sylvia. whats your name?" I asked sweetly.

"I'm Jason. I am- Its them" He cut himself off and looked over at another table.

I looked to where he was looking.

It was... the boy from my dream?

How is this possible?

Even though he has the same face, the same hair, but... different eyes.

Brown eyes.

The boy looked over at me. His face emotionless.

We stared at eachother for about ten seconds until a hand waved in front of my face.

It was a different guy though.

"Tyler. Stop it."

It was a boy with his fringe hanging over one eye.

"Hey. No need to use my proper name." the guy who supposedly is Tyler, growled.

"I'm Ty. Sorry for the rude entrance," Ty apologised, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's Ok. I've encountered it before in Phoenix" I stated, smling.


The loud bell rang through my sensitive ears, making me cover them.

Bloody stupid bell.

"See ya later guys!" I said goodbye to my new friends.

I looked at my timetable.

I have Chemistry next.

The classroom was 110.

Is there more than a hundred classrooms here or what?

The teacher was calling out the roll.

He looked over to me, and smiled.

"Ahh, you must be Sylvia Parker. I am Mr North. So, your parter will be, Mitchell  Hughes." The teacher stated.

The boy that was in my dreams is in this class?

What a coincedence.

Mitch shot his head up, he was frowning.

What's his problem?

I sat next to him.

As the teacher explained things, I listened, while he just stared at me, emotionless just like at break.

"So lets get started."

As soon as the teacher said that, I looked at Mitch, who looked away.

"Hi. You must be Mitch. I'm-"

"Sylvia. I know" He snaped rudely.


The bell rang, signalling that school was over.

I looked at Mitch who was my partner, or neighbour for the last 3 periods.

Every period, he stood straight up, and ran out the door when the bell rang.


What the hell is his problem?



So that was chapter two!

Next chapter will be when she finds out what his problem is, and they just....

become friends.

So yeah.




and all that good stuff,

cool beans


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