*Fourteen- Take Me Home*

Start from the beginning

We slowly walk back to the bar, some people eyeing at how drunk and lost I look. My eyes are so heavy, I can barely keep them open, but I manage.

"Lou, will you hold her for a second?" Zayn hands me over to Louis who is sitting at the bar. He holds me, so I don't fall over.

"Jeez, I'm sorry for making you drink so much" Louis says in my ear.

I think I whisper an "it's okay", but I'm not sure. I hear Zayn talking to someone on his phone and I know it's probably Harry. I'm proven right, when Harry shows up at the bar a minute later. Where's his whore?

"You need to take her to her hotel. She said she's staying at the Four Seasons" Zayn exclaims. I keep my head down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I probably look disgusting.

"I know" Harry spits and I feel his warm hand grab my arm. I love the way his skin feels on mine.

The smell of Harry invades my senses when my head falls into his chest. His touch makes my body weak and I loose all standing ability and my knees collapse.

"Who the hell let her drink so much?" Harry says angrily as he pulls on my arms. I can barely think straight, but I know that Harry picks me up and holds me bridal style. My head falls backwards and he struggles to push it in his chest again.

"Don't look at me" Zayn says.

Harry's angered breath from his nostrils fan my face. "Really Louis?" His voice hurts. I look up to him and cringe when my head begins to pound. He glances down and a sympathetic look crosses his face.

"We're leaving" He says before turning and walking away from the bar. Lights flash by my eyes as he continues to walk and the music completely fades once we step outside. My skin is shocked my the cold weather and makes my body shiver.

"Harry?" My voice is barely audible.

He looks down at me in panic, "What's wrong?"

"My jacket?"

"Well get it later. Taxi!" He yells, struggling to raise his hand in the air.

"I'm cold" I bury myself into his body more.

"Fūck, I know. I'm sorry" He fast walks and I know I'm in a taxi when I fall onto a warm cushion. My head slightly hits the window once Harry slams the door.

"Four Seasons, please" Harry instructs before grabbing ahold of my body and bringing me close to him. The car begins moving and we sit quiet for a couple of minutes.

"You said please" I laugh into his chest, breaking the silence. He tightens his arms around me and I hold back a moan of pleasure.

He looks down to me, "What?"

"You actually said please. You never say please" I mumble, my voice sounding hoarse from vomiting. I feel Harrys chest pump from laughing and I nestle in his warm arms. This feels nice. I know I shouldn't be doing this. I mean, he was just getting blown by Coco in the stall next to me and now I'm in his arms? It's okay, you're drunk, my subconscious makes me feel better.

"Where's Coco?" I sniffle my nose and I feel Harry glance down at me.


"I don't know. You were with her earlier..." I begin. "In the stall next to where I was puking."

"No I wasn't?" He laughs and I give him a 'don't play stupid' look.

"Shut up, Harry. I saw Coco on her knees and your converse in front of her." I roll my eyes and bury my head in his chest, not ready to leave his touch even though I should.

"I wouldn't call these converse." Harry states before picking up his foot and showing off his shiny boot. Oh. Those aren't the same shoes I saw in the stall with Coco.

"You weren't getting a blow job from Coco in the stall next to mine?" I can't hide the smile on my face.

"Absolutely not" He says and I relax. Wow, I feel way better now knowing that.

"She's a horrible kisser. I don't think she'd be good at that either." He grins down at me and I roll my eyes.

"Why'd you kiss her then?" I cringe at the memory.

"She kissed me. Why are you jealous?" He smirks.

I look away from him and shake my head, "Absolutely not." I copy his words, making him chuckle.

The taxi driver turns up the radio a bit and a really good christmas song fills my ears. It reminds me of back home and I become a little homesick, but brush it off and just close my eyes and listen. I'm tired.

"Do you feel better?" Harry whispers in my ear before rubbing my arm, slowly.

"Yes, I do. Thank you" I mumble before falling completely asleep in Harrys arms in the back of a taxi.

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