Once Upon a Time

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Hope POV

After the merge was done I had with help from MG went into Josie's mind. I did not know what was waiting for me in Josie's subconscious but I was prepared for anything that I was going to come up against. I was not prepared to wake up in a red riding hood coat and lying in a gigantic castle. There was breadcrumbs on the floor so I followed them.

While walking throughout the castle I saw Josie in paintings: one was here in a blue and yellow dress which I had to admit she looked beautiful in. I mean who wouldn't. As a friend I was just admiring her beauty and couldn't take my eyes of the portrait. Another one downstairs had her on a a throne while others clapped and looked on at the queen. Josie looked fierce and protective standing there as I noticed she didn't have anyone standing beside her. Apart of me wished it was I who was standing there but I quickly shook the thought out of my head.

I got outside the castle and was following the crumbs as they led me down to the main gate and further into the forest. It was night time and I could just barely make out what was in front of me. I cast a spell to make a orb of light appear in my hand and continued on the path until I heard something rustle in the bushes.

"Who is there? Josie is that you?"

I heard pig noises and the next thing I knew a pig was coming out from behind a tree.

"Will you put that light out, you dumb girl? There is a monster in these woods and they can sense when magic is being used."

I was shocked to say the least and but I kept the light on.

"Excuse me. I am looking for my friend and I don't need to be insulted by a pig. Who are you anyway?"

"I am no one. I live about here and I'm just trying to stay alive with this monster lurking about. Magic hasn't been used here since Queen Josie went to sleep."

"Wait, Queen Josie? That's who I am here to rescue. Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah. I am not taking you to her though. If she wakes up then the darkness that is surrounding this place will destroy it. Queen Josie went to sleep to prevent it from destroying this world. It was the only way to save everyone."

"Of course. Even in her subconscious Josie is selfless and sacrificing herself to save others."

"I Know we just met but I think that is also the kind of person you are too."


"Nothing. I can take you to her if you will stop yapping at me. It won't do any good because there is no way to wake her up. Many have tried and failed."

"Just lead the way so I can try and save Josie. I need to do this because I miss her terribly and just want her back."

I thought I could see a hint of sadness cross the pig's face but maybe I had imagined it. I wasn't sure. The pig led me deeper into a forest and it felt like we were walking for ages and it was all trees so I couldn't see anything but that.

"So, Queen Josie must be really special to you?"

"You have no idea. I mean, I just really want to get her back. If it was me who was in trouble Josie would stop at nothing until I was safe and sound. I will always fight for her and if she is in trouble then I will save her. I actually got through to her when I was fighting an evil version of Josie. If I can find the real Josie in here, I know I will be able to get her back because she is so strong. So much more than she thinks."

I smiled as I thought of Josie

Josie POV

When I ran into Hope I had to make her think I was just a pig. It was better for her if she just left this place as quickly as she can. I don't want Hope getting hurt trying to save me. I don't think her life is worth mine. I lead her to the fake body I made of magic and placed on a table in the middle of the forest. I put it there so the monster would think I was asleep. I have been hiding and not using magic so it can't find me.

Once Upon a Time in Josie's mind.Where stories live. Discover now