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The first time Finn ever notice Eli, she was sitting with one leg crossed over the other on an arm chair that was tucked away in a quiet corner of the book store where he'd just started working

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The first time Finn ever notice Eli, she was sitting with one leg crossed over the other on an arm chair that was tucked away in a quiet corner of the book store where he'd just started working. Her small hands were struggling to keep hold of a collection of pieces of paper, her eyes followed the words on the crinkled paper with attentiveness. Every now and then she stopped to slide her red hair back in its place behind her ear. With furrowed eyebrows Eli continued to read without ever looking up from the pages and Finn wondered what she was reading that was so interesting.

He soon realised she was reading a letter, which struck him as odd. Finn was a struggling writer himself and he still couldn't remember the last time he had hand written anything. He had to admit that for whatever reason he was intrigued by the girl and the pile of letters she was swiftly making her way through.

Finn watched as a customer approached him and asked about a couple of books they wanted to take out. After stamping the books for the man Finn looked back to that corner and for whatever reason his heart dropped. She was gone, and he wondered if he'd ever see the girl again.

The next day sure enough the girl was back, sitting in that same corner. Only this time she was holding a pen, writing a letter of her own, with her hair still tucked behind her ear. She bit her lip as she wrote. Who was this girl that seemed so wrapped up in these letters? Finn decided it was time he found out.

Half an hour later it was Finns work break and he decided to take the seat next to the red head, "Hi, I'm Finn" He introduced, holding out a hand that she failed to shake. Without giving him any acknowledgement, she continued to write her letter. Finn cleared his throat, "I didn't mean to interrupt you, I'm a writer myself, I was just curious as to what you're writing there" She continued her writing, and Finn was finding him self regretting trying to start a conversation with the girl, "Sorry to bother you" He sighed before standing up.

"Can you help me with something?" The girl said, her head suddenly lifting up to face him, "I'm Eli, by the way"

He was taken back by her green eyes as he looked down at her. The look on her face confused him, it couldn't be described as sad, but it was hardly happy either, "Sure" He smiled, sitting back down.

"You seem nice for a stalker" She blurted out, causing Finns eyes to widen.

"You noticed that yesterday?" He questioned as his face turned red.

Simply she nodded, "Yeah, you're weren't exactly subtle with your staring"

"I was just intrigued by what to you were reading" He explained.

"I was reading a letter from my boyfriend, well my ex boyfriend" Her face fell flat, and Finns heart dropped, she was clearly still in love with this other guy, "Can you believe it, he broke up with me via a letter"

He felt bad for her, she looked stuck, between wanting to be able to move on but not being able to, "I suppose it could be worse, he could have broken up with you through text"

"Yeah I guess you're right" She laughed, and instantly Finn couldn't help but want to hear it again, "He basically wrote about all the reason he couldn't be with me anymore"

Finn nodded towards what she had been previously writing, "So whats this, your reply?"

She nodded, "It's supposed to be, but every word I write makes me sound more desperate than the last, God I'm pathetic"

"No" He shook his head, "You're not" She smiled, though he wasn't sure it met her eyes the way he had hoped it would, "So how can I help?"

"Well, what would you write if someone broke up with you through a litter?"

He shrugged, "I guess it depends, did things end messy or are you both still civil?"

"Neither, it's complicated"

"I don't think you need me to tell you what to write, you already know, you're just scared how he's going to react"

"How do you do that?"

"Do what" He laughed, raising his hands innocently.

"We've only just met and you're able to psycho analyse me like we've known each other for years"

"Like I said, I'm a writer" He repeated, "It helps to be intuitive" Things went silent for a couple of minutes after that, thought it wasn't awkward, "How about we get out of here and I'll pay for us to go get some dinner"

Solemnly she smiled, "I like you, Finn. I wish I would've met you a couple of years ago"

He grinned, "Is that a yes?"

She shook her head, "It wouldn't be fair, I think a part of me will always be waiting for him, and I get the feeling you deserve more than that"

He laughed, "I didn't ask you to marry me Eli, it's just one meal"

Hesitantly she nodded, "Okay, just one meal"

"Great" He said, attempting not to sound overly excited at the prospect, "I finish work at 6:00, think you can wait till then?"

"I'm going to go home and get changed" She explained, "I'll be back here by 6:00"

"Okay" He nodded, and watched as she grabbed her letter and made her way towards the door, "Eli" He called.

She turned around, "Yes Finn"

"You will come back, right?"

"Have some faith in me" She laughed, opening the door, "I'll be here, I promise"

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