the bet I.

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High school wasn't your favorite place. Quite frankly, you'd rather be anywhere else than school. It's not that you weren't good in school, hell, you were top of the class. It's just, you didn't like the people. All were fake and/or stupid. All except for your best friend, Jonathan Byers. The two of you have been best friends since you met in the 2nd grade. You both were considered freaks so you fit in with each other perfectly. You were always there for him and he always helped you. Like when Will went missing. You helped him night and day, with the help of Nancy Wheeler. After that, you noticed Nancy and Jonathan getting closer. Pushing you out of the picture.

You sat on your bed while Jonathan rummaged through your record collection. "Hey, what time is it?"

You checked your pink wristwatch. "Almost 7:30. Why?"

"Shit!" He grabbed his stuff. "I promised to take Nancy to this party."

"But you hate parties! Especially house parties! This girl has changed you." You sat up on your bed and laughed as Jonathan didn't seem to care. "If Steve Harrington beats your ass, I don't want you to come here crying."

"Then why don't you come? It's not that far up the road. Then if Steve Harrington beats my ass, you can watch me beat his." You just shook your head and fell back on your bed. "Whatever, see you tomorrow." With that, he left and all you could hear was the show your parents were watching.

"I don't need to go to a party to have fun!" You sat in your chair facing your vanity. "I can read a book or do my homework or..ugh!" You put your head in your hands and sighed. "Screw you, Jonathan Byers!" You quickly got dressed into a sweater and some jeans, brushed your hair, and adjusted your thick glasses. "I'll be back! I'm going to Jonathan's!" You kissed your parents on the cheek and ran towards your bike.

You road a few blocks up and finally reached the big house. People were jumping in the pool, drinking and smoking. A typical Friday night for these goons. You hid your bike in the bushes and walked in. No one seemed to notice you which you were fine with. You finally saw Jonathan on the couch with Nancy. He looked uncomfortable as usual. "Look who made it."

"Y/N!" Nancy hugged you. "Jonathan said you weren't coming! I am glad you did." She tucked some of her brown hair behind her ear as she laughed. "Want a drink?" You politely declined as you sat next to them.

"No way, Y/N the geek lord and Jonathan the perv are here!" Carol laughed, peeking through the kitchen. She pointed them out to Tommy and Steve. "This night just got better!"

Steve chugged the rest of whatever was in his cup and laughed. "Imagine trying to date that. I mean, she probably has an iron lock around her pants."

Tommy and Carol looked at each other and smirked. "Steve, I bet you 45 bucks that you couldn't get Y/N Y/L/N to go out with you."

"55 and free lunch for the month, you got yourself a deal." Tommy and Steve shook hands, laughing. Carol handed him a shot and he gulped it. He slowly walked towards the couch. "Hey guys, liking the party?" Everyone just nodded while you stared up at Steve. The only time he has talked to you was for the math homework. "How about you, Y/N?"

You fixed your glasses and shrugged. "Just another high school party, Steve." He laughed and took a seat next to you. "What are you doing?"

"Woah, I'm just sitting next to you. Is that a problem?" You just rolled your eyes. "So what brings you out here tonight? This doesn't really seem like your scene. I-"

"Alright, I'm leaving. There's a new episode of 'Family Ties'. Bye Jonathan. Nancy." You smiled and got up. You grabbed your bike and hopped on but before you could push off, Steve stopped you.

"You want a ride? It's pretty dark out and I-" Again, you cut him off. This time, by riding away. You never liked Steve Harrington and you never will.

Wednesday, 1:07 p.m.

Your Wednesday was normal. Your classes still boring, work after school, and the same dinner of chicken with potatoes. the perfect wednesday. Until a certain someone stood at your locker.

"God, what do you want Harrington?" You muttered, putting your combination.

"Go on a date with me, (Y/L/N). That's all I want. Me, you, some dinner or a movie?" He leaned against the lockers and smiled, looking down at you.

You laughed out loud with a snort, not taking him serious. But he stood there even more serious than before. "Wait, your serious?" He nodded, causing your face to go red. You could never like a boy like him and he could never like someone like you. The both of you were two different people. "Um, why?" He shrugged. "No thanks, I'm good." You lightly punched his shoulder and walked towards the door, leaving him silent.

"Are you sure? I mean I am a pretty fun guy." You rolled your eyes and began to walk towards your job. "Are you going to work? I can take you. My car is over there and it will be quicker." He smiled genuinely. The walk was long and you were usually late everyday.

"Fine but no funny business, Steve." He nodded and led you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. Before you could leave, Tommy and Carol approached the car causing you to roll your eyes.

"Steve, can you take us home? We have homework to do." Tommy winked at Steve when he noticed you in the passenger seat, staring straight ahead. You didn't like him or Carol. They have been bullying you and Jonathan since you first walked into Hawkins Elementary. "Well I'll be damned! (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! Carol look who it is! Steve, I bet the both of you didn't see this coming!" They were acting rather odd around you. Carol put on her fakest smile and waved.

"Well, see you later." He drove off as you sat quietly. "Hey, don't worry about them. They are just weird. Two weird, horny teens." You laughed causing him to smile. "I like when you smile. You look really look beautiful. You usually look angry when I see you. Sorta like this." He mimicked your daily, bitchy face expression very badly.

You lightly hit his arm. "Hey! That's only towards you by the way." You couldn't believe he just complimented you. Steve Harrington isn't really the spawn of Satan, he's a nice guy who just hangs around the wrong crowd. Misunderstood, like you. He pulled up to the record store, your work. "Well, this is my stop. Thank you!" You got out and shut the door, while he just stared at you. You stuck your head in the window. "Pick me up, Friday at 7." You grabbed his hand and wrote your phone number in sparkly blue pen.

Steve Harrington really wasn't a mean guy. Someone who didn't lead girls on just to get in their pants and leave them. Or so you thought.

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