'You're hurt, aren't you?' Shoto asked, worry hinting in his voice.

'He managed to get a hit in.' Y/N coughed harshly, blood spattering out of her mouth. 'He managed to smack his five fingers onto my stomach. Probably made it decompose at a faster rate or something.' She muttered, coughing up more blood. 'Then why did you not think of having a guard around your weak spots?' Shoto sighed as he helped Y/N limp towards where the rest of the class were. 'I did. I guess it wasn't thick enough, I didn't want it to limit my movement too much. Maybe I'll redesign my suit and add a utility belt or something-' Y/N hunched over and vomited.

'Damn it... I don't usually reach my limit nearly this fast. Guess I really am out of practice as well...' Y/N stumbled over to where Jiro, Ochaco and Momo were, their expressions a mix of worry, unimpress and anger.

'Y/N L/N! Do you have any idea what a foolish move that was? Look at you, coughing blood and vomiting!' Jiro yelled, shaking Y/N by the shoulders gently. 'You stupid idiot, charging into battle like that! You could've killed yourself for all we know! Pull another move like that and I beat your ass!' 

'You're a good fighter, Y/N. But you're too impulsive. It might be a weakness of yours in the future if you don't control yourself.' Momo observed, casting a concerned glance at the hand that Y/N held over her stomach. 'Your stomach guard is too thin. If you allow me to, I'll design a new suit for you.' 'Thanks, Momo. I'll take note of it in the future.' Y/N managed to reply before hacking away.

'I'm just glad you're alive, Y/N.' Ochaco pulled Y/N into a hug. 'I wouldn't know what to do if I'd lost you.' Y/N grinned. 'Even if I'd gotten myself killed I'll still come back and haunt your asses. So, Kyoka, when's the wedding?' Y/N smirked. 'Yay...' Kaminari wandered over and gave them a thumbs up. 'Speak of the devil.' Y/N's smirk grew wider, and Ochaco's eyes gleamed. 'Tell me everything!' She squealed, her fangirl mode turned on.

'That was a rather crass scene I had to observe.' Momo made a face. 'You're just jealous, Yao.' Y/N winked at the beautiful raven haired girl. 'Hmph! Am not.' Momo turned away, her nose in the air. 'You'll find someone soon.' The brunette teased, patting her friend on the arm, pretending to be sympathetic.

Just then, Shigaraki managed to break free with the help of Nomu. Y/N's classmates ran to the safe spot, where the rest of the injured and helpless were. 'Damn you, you stupid water blasting girl!' Shigaraki screeched, scratching furiously at his neck. Shoto's eyebrows creased ever so slightly. 'I have to go and help Izuku and the rest. You guys stay here, got it?' He instructed before turning to leave. 'Do not, under any circumstances, leave.'

Y/N flung her arms around Shoto. 'Stay safe, Peppermint.' She sniffed, blinking back tears. 'I don't know what I'd do without you. Please stay safe.' She watched tearily as Shoto ran off into the battle scene to help. Exhausted and beaten up, Y/N shakily sat down with support from her two friends. 

'Jiro... I have a question...' Kaminari interrupted the three girls.

'Denki! You're not an idiot anymore!' Y/N screamed, before turning away and coughing. 'Did that kiss... mean anything?' He muttered, scratching the back of his head hesitantly. Y/N and Momo shared an evil look before shoving Jiro into the arms of the blond. 'She's crazy for you, so treat her well.' Y/N smiled genuinely. 'If you break her heart however, you'll wish you were never born.' Momo continued, eyes flashing dangerously.

'Now, kiss.' Y/N commanded, waving her arms in the air dramatically, as though she was cueing for a band to enter. 'I... uh...' Kaminari stammered. 'Did I stutter?' Y/N asked, a playful glint in her silver eyes. 'Do not make me use my charmspeak on the both of you lovebirds. I am not keen on getting a sore throat.'

Still, they hesitated, just standing there and gazing into each other's eyes like a beautiful but cliche movie scene. Annoyed, Y/N got up with some difficulty and smashed their faces together, a pleased grin spreading across her delicate features when Jiro tangled her hands into Kaminari's hair. 'This is pure gold.' Momo commented, helping Y/N sit back down.

'I agree completely with you, Yao.' Y/N declared, laying her head on her friend's shoulder. A clash brought their attention back to the battle scene, where Y/N saw Shoto, Bakugo, Izuku and Kirishima huddled in a heap on the floor while All Might was busy literally punching the guts out of Nomu. Shoto got up, rather dazed and offered a hand to Izuku. Y/N glanced to her left, noticing Ochaco bouncing on her heels with worry. 'He'll be fine.' She mouthed to her terrified friend, who nodded back at her uncertainly.

With a final, epic punch, All Might managed to send Nomu flying far, far away, conveniently blasting a hole in the glass roof of the USJ in the meantime. Shigaraki, seeing the fruit of his labour get blown away like a piece of tissue in a tornado, was absolutely infuriated. He was just about to order his goons to attack, but the pro heroes arrived at that time, along with Iida, defeating the league of villains in a matter of seconds, as though they were just a bunch of pesky flies that could be killed with the simple swipe of a flyswatter.

'Iida! Thank god you're safe!' Most of the class went up to congratulate the young hero for completing his mission safely. Y/N, however, was busy surveying the damage. No serious injuries, except for the injury in her own gut. She sighed, removing her guard and lifting up the shirt to inspect the mangled patch of flesh on the slight left of her stomach. 'That looks bad.' A voice interrupted her from her thoughts. 'Yeah. It's fine though, I'll just get Recovery Girl to fix me up real quick.' Y/N raised her head to see Shoto looking down at her.

'Y/N?' Shoto sat down next to the young brunette. 'Your plan failed horribly, by the way.' Shoto smirked, holding out the spear to her.

Y/N blushed. 'I guess...' She muttered. 'But I'm still keeping the spear, and you can't stop me.' She added defensively, trying desperately to cover up her embarrassment.

'I never said I would stop you.' He replied, eyes shining with amusement. 'Also, the bus is coming soon. I was going to offer to be your pillow again if you were going to sleep.'

Y/N's eyes lit up. 'Really?'


Recovery Girl was sent onto the scene, and soon all casualties were healed, Y/N included, despite the injury leaving a slight scar on her waist.

'Finally the police are gone. I can sleep!' Y/N cheered, settling herself onto Shoto's shoulder once again in her window seat, immediately going out like a light. This time, Shoto did not freeze up. Instead, he began stroking Y/N's sweat stained brown hair softly, a small, almost invisible smile etched onto his face.

Sorry for the crappy conclusion of this chapter :/ it was really rushed and I had no time to edit it properly. I've actually read through the conclusion quite a number of times, and I can't seem to find any error in it, so I'll leave it as it is, despite the lack of quality. Another thing I'm really sorry about is how Todoroki seems to be going further and further out of character. 

Just to clarify, he's only being friendly to Y/N as of now because she's the only one he truly trusts. In other chapters, you'll see Shoto back to his aloof personality when interacting with others other than Y/N. I have taken note of all the characters' different personalities, so rest assured. 

We all know of Todoroki's traumatising childhood. He needs someone to love and open up to, and in my interpretation of his character, his cold, aloof personality is just an act to hide the pain inside him. Because Y/N is the first person he trusts completely, he begins to show the cinnamon roll side of him.

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