"You want me to tell them all to shut the hell up?"Tara asks "I wish it were that easy"Scarlett tells her "It is your wish is my command"Lafayette says pulling out a bag of pills "Oh no I dont do drugs"Sookie tells him "Sook relax this is not drug this"He tells her "Just put it on your night stand just in case you change your mind"He tells her handing Scarlett one too but she didnt take it 

"Well im gonna go check on the circling buzzers"He says getting up "Lafayette"Sookie says "Yes ma'am?"he asks and she hands him the pie "Would you mind taking this down stairs for me?"She asks "I will guard it with my life"He says before walking out

"Want me to call anyone your cousin Hadley?"Tara asks "Havent heard from her in over a year since she ran away from the rehab gran paid for"Scarlett tells her "I dont even know how to get a hold of her"Sookie says "What about Bill you gonna invite him?"Tara asks "Tara he cant go"Sookie tells her "Oh right"Tara says 

"Its not like we've known a lot of vampires takes some getting used to"Sookie says "Im not sure ill ever get used to it"Tara tells her Sookie gives her a look "What not everyone is as opened minded as you you should hear the things people are thinking"Tara tells her  "We do"Scarlett snaps

"Bill didnt kill my grandmother"Sookie snaps too "Dont you two get all mad at me nobody is blaming Bill exactly but didnt you tell me he had some scary ass friends"Tara tells her "Not all vampires are like that"Sookie says she felt like they were talking about Eric "None of them have been invited in"Scarlett says 

Scarlett closed her eyes she just couldnt get the picture out of her head then Jason stormed in and hit Sookie she then opened her eyes to see only the girls then Jason walked in "Jason"Sookie says and Scarlett steps in front of her just as Jasons hands swings hitting Scarlett instead "Scar"Sookie says 

"What the fuck!"Tara says walking up to Jason pushing him back "It her fault Grans dead cause of you Sookie it should have been you"Jason says "Bitch dont you lay a hand on her"Tars says holding him back and Scarlett puts Sookie behind her again "Shes fucking a vampire Tara"Jason says "Get the fuck out of our house Jason!"Scarlett tells him

"A FUCKING VAMPIRE"Jason yells getting close but Scarlett punches him in the nose he stumbled back holding his nose "You ever try to hit me or her again you will never be allowed any where near either of us again you hear me?!"Scarlett yells and he comes to realization looking at her neck and the red hand print on her face

"Go"She tells him and he does Tara following yelling at him "You okay"Sookie asks "Im fine just need some alone time"Scarlett says still mad as she walks out of the house and to her car she waited for the sun to go down at Fangtasia's parking lot once it did she walked to the door just as a woman opens it 

"Well arent you just on time"The woman says and Scarlett looks at her and smiles as she lets her in seeing Eric walk out from the back "Scarlett what a nice su-"He says but stops after seeing her neck and face "Who did this?"He says vamp speeding up to her touching her still red cheek "That was my brother"She says 

"And this?"He asks his fingers lightly tracing over her neck "The person you killed my gran last night"She says "Did you scream by chance really loudly?"He asks "Yes"She says and his interest peeked "Lock up for tonight"He told the woman "But-"She said "Now ginger!"He yelled at her and she followed instructions

Scarlett drank she used to when she first turned 21 but became a little too addicted and Gran made her stop but not tonight "Nice to know you're not a light weight"Eric says he sat beside her the whole time Longshadow poured her drinks and Pam was in the office Ginger had ran off somewhere 

"Yeah"She says quietly "You dont talk much do you?"He asks "No I usually stayed home with my Gran but now I dont even know what home is"She told him honestly "Would you be mine Scarlett?"He asks and she gave him a look "The fuck does that mean?"She asks the alcohol kicking in  

He smirks at her sudden outburst "No other vampire can touch you but me"He says moving her hair out of her face "What if I dont want you touching me Mr Northman?"She asks "Dont lie Miss Stackhouse"He says and she blushes and looks down 

He lifts her face "Dont look away from be just because I made you flustered"He tells her their faces were close "I should get home"She says looking away "You sure about that?"He asks "When im drunk and you are trying to seduce me yes I think its time to go"She says "Let me drive you back you are drunk"He says and she agreed giving him her keys 

She was quiet the whole ride home "Are you okay?"He asks "Just dont wanna be alone"She tells him "Want me to stay?"He asks pulling up to her house but she sees Bill and then Lafayettes car and a dog "Take me back"She tells him and he nods driving back to Fangtasia 

She fell asleep there on his couch in the office she woke up to 20 miss phone calls and she had missed her grans funeral "Damn it"She curses to herself then walks up to a mirror to see her bruises gone confused she gets a flash from last night Eric gave her some of his blood after she gave him some of hers "Damn it times two"She says grabbing her bag and keys before driving home

"Where the hell where you?"Sookie asks her sister who walked in "Out"She said "You missed grans-"Sookie started "I know I know I lost track of time"Scarlett told her "I need a shower"She said walking up stairs 

When she walked down Sookie was eating the pie and she gave Scarlett a fork both of the girls cried a little eating the pie it just hit them I guess "I miss her"Scarlett says "Me too"Sookie says grabbing her hand and holding it tightly they were all they had left since Jason had to go and be an ass

Sookie walked down after the sun set "Going to see Bill?"Scarlett asks and she nods "have fun"Scarlett says and Sookie smiles before running out of the house and her phone rings she picks up 'Are you okay you had discomfort earlier' Erics voice said "Yes im fine Eric"She tells him "Can you come over?"She asks quietly then he hung up soon a knock was placed on her door

She opened the door to see Eric "Come in"She says and he does closing the door behind her they sat on the couch her head on his shoulder his arm around her waist they talked about each other and their personal life for hours her head now on his lap looking up at him as he stroked her hair 

"You're different when you're with me arent you?"She asks "Yes Miss Stackhouse for some reason you have this hold over me"He says honestly "Well im glad"She says and yawns "Tired?"He asks and she nods a couple seconds later they were in her bed he had vamp speed her there

She faced him her hands under her head his arm around her waist she made him feel warm he never felt this before and so quickly he just met her not too long ago and he didnt wanna let her go he didnt wanna drain her dry he just wanted to hold her to have her to himself he watched as she finally fell asleep he kissed her head "Goodnight Scarlett"He says and in a flash he was gone

He made her feel like home she had just lost hers but he made sure to be the night in shining armor and save her giving her a new home 

Uncertain love~ Eric NorthmanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora