Ch1 - First Love

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Chapter 1 – First Love

“I love you.” 

“I love you.” He replied. I sighed and closed my eyes, loving the truthfulness in his voice.

I’ve spent three whole years with Tanner Hall and nothing has changed. Every day, it was like meeting him for the first time. Our love grew with every passing moment. I couldn’t be happier.

We shifted under the covers so we were both facing each other. I opened my eyes to see him gazing dreamily at me. I smiled. I loved this boy so much that my heart was about to burst from all the emotions.

I studied his features. His blonde hair was long and stuck up in all different directions, a product from our recent love making. His gray eyes shone brighter than the lights that passed through the blinds behind him. I lifted my hand and felt the sculpted muscles on his arms, chest, and stomach. His eyes closed, his long eye lashes fluttering over his cheek bones. His hand took mine and intertwined our fingers. My hand felt so small inside his. His long, muscly legs wrapped around mine tightly, bringing our naked bodies closer together.

“Congratulations again, baby.” Tanner kissed my forehead and his lips left a tingling sensation on my skin.

“Congratulations to you, too, Tanner.” I replied.

Today, a big load of stress had lifted off of our shoulders. We had just graduated Grand Valley High School with honors as class of 2012. After receiving our diplomas, taking pictures, and having lunch with our proud families, both Tanner and I dipped out of there and headed over to the rock quarry where we had made love on the back of his bedded truck under the pink-orange sky of the sun set.

It was story book perfect.

“Let’s get dressed and head over to the graduation party.” I said.

The parents of the graduate students planned a get together at the town hall for the night. We were all asked to be there before 8, dressed in formal attire.

Tanner nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck and I shivered at the touch. His arousal vibrated over to me, causing me to get even more turned on.

“Or, we could stay here and have our own party.” He growled in my ear.

The way he said it made me want to forget the world and just spend forever in his arms but we had responsibilities and things to do. One day, we would be able to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, but right now, we had obligations to obtain.

Tanner started to trail kisses down the length of my neck, heading south towards the top curve of my breasts. I took in a sharp breath as he darted out his tongue and licked my hot skin.

“Tanner.” I moaned.

He was making it so hard to be able to think straight. I felt as if I was having trouble breathing. My breath came out in pants as he began to slip the covers lower, revealing more of my skin.

My phone rang, causing both of us to twitch in surprise. Tanner groaned and I giggled, reaching over to the side and grabbing my phone.

“Hey, Riley.” I answered.

“Where the hell are you, Becca?!” my older brother yelled through the phone.

I rolled my eyes at the familiar overprotectiveness. I glanced over at Tanner to see him fighting a laugh. I stuck my tongue out at him and he responded by biting my shoulder. I shooed him away.

“I’m with Tanner, we just made a pit stop on the way to the hall.” It wasn’t a lie.

I could practically hear him roll his eyes through the phone. “Yeah, right, Becca. Tell him to stop touching my damn little sister and get the hell over here.”

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