Class finds out

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When the doors shut behind Izu the class read emergency surgery and they all were confused. When they saw all the doctors rushing in and out with a bunch of dead looking children the class looked scared. The next day at school Izu was on the news saying saving all the children's lives were hard because it was late we all were up really late.
Rg: Izuku stop pushing yourself go back home.
Izu: Ha don't make me laugh my home is the hospital and I've been in there all weekend with a bunch of bloodied up kids from this huge villian attack. *phone rings*
Izu: How are they. Wait what I'm on my way get them ready for the news! Everyone was confused when they saw Izuku running down the halls and ignored iida telling him to stop running.
Nurse: There ready for the news on the kid sir.
Izu: Ok but I don't think they'll like it. Izu told the teachers what happened to one of the kids in the surgery and what they found in the kids body.
Nurse: It looks like the kid has a bunch of drugs in them and they only let's doctor Izuku here touch her.
Teacher: Ok well doctor Izuku can you take care of Eri for us.
Izu: Sure but we need to keep her away from Overhaul. When Izuku went back to school with the kid people ran up to her and she flinched.
Izu: Guys don't crowd her like that! The hole class were surprised when they heard him yell.
Tsuyu: Izuku what happened to her kero?
Izu: Fucking a person injected a bunch of drugs into the kid her name is Eri.

( word count 284 )
Hi guys Author-Chan here who else is going back to school on March 4th?

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