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The door flew open as Micah burst in. "Who's that?", Beatrice mumbled into her pillow. "It's Micah. And what are you doing still doing in bed? It's twelve on a Monday for goodness' sake. Wake up", she said, pulling her blanket off her. Beatrice groaned.

"How did you even get in?". "You have a spare key in the potted plant, don't you?", she answered. "What do you want?", Beatrice asked. "You're supposed to be at school". "I don't feel good", Beatrice said, snatching her blanket back. "So? Get up and get dressed. I have AP Chemistry in roughly an hour so hurry", Micah said, grabbing a bag of pretzels from Beatrice's secret snack drawer. 

Beatrice sighed. She had wanted to save those for later this evening. And she was actually feeling really down, but Micah wouldn't get it. She got dressed and took a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. "Let's go then?", Micah said, opening the door.

Beatrice got into Micah's car and turned on the radio. She hated how Micah didn't respect boundaries. And she couldn't tell her, because it'd be so so awkward. 

"Um, Micah, can you, like sometimes, just know when to stop and respect my boundaries. Please?"

"Wow, Bea. How nice of you to say that". And Micah would never ever speak to her again and she'd become a nobody, like before.

Micah showed Beatrice a snap of some guy she was texting who went to Westbrook. Beatrice pretended to gag. "Idiot", Micah laughed, and turned the radio up.

Micah was texting every boy in the world. She wasn't a thot, it was just that they texted first and it would be so rude not to reply, and Micah loved how they became like puppies, hungry for affection and attention. She did have a boyfriend, and on many occasions Beatrice had heard him comment on it but she'd just laugh it off.

Micah took Beatrice with her sometimes when she was going on dates with him. To Micah, it probably felt like she was doing some grand gesture for her, but all it made Beatrice feel was, great, you're just reminding me that there's no way in hell that I could catch anyone's eye, let alone your boyfriend.

Beatrice didn't hate Micah. No, Micah was very funny and sometimes sweet. What Beatrice hated was that she was such a pillar in her life. Without Micah, Beatrice wouldn't even go to any parties or be noticed at all. Without Micah, she'd be failing her Math classes. Without Micah, Jeremiah Lopez, Hunter Walgreen, Jakob Fischer and like 3 other boys wouldn't even be texting her, even though she knew they were all texting her just to get closer to Micah. Beatrice hated how much she needed Micah to be something and somebody.

"Thanks for the ride and waking me up", Beatrice said sarcastically, getting out of the car. "Don't mention it", Micah said sweetly. Beatrice waved as she walked into the school. She had Algebra I in a minute and if she didn't hurry, she'd be late.

Micah parked her car and made her way to her next class. It didn't matter if she was late, all the teachers loved her. "Hey Micah", Marco De Luca grinned as she walked down the hallway. He was one of the hottest boys in the school, but Micah didn't like him. He was such a pervert and nobody noticed because they were bedazzled by his sexy Italian features.

She smiled sweetly back and continued walking. She knew for a fact that his pervert eyes were following her and she flipped her hair over her shoulder. Thou can look with thine eyes all thou wantest but thou can never never obtain. Micah laughed at her own joke as she walked into the class.


"Hey", Beatrice said, sliding into the only available seat. "Hi", James Elias said, not looking up from his phone. James Elias was her boyfriend. It was the weirdest relationship in the history of relationships. She had started to like him at the beginning of the year, and she found the courage to tell him one day( Micah's encouragement) and surprise, he had also liked her. They started to date, because well, isn't that what you're supposed to do? He never spoke to her at school, he never texted her first and he was always trying to talk about Micah. He was such a great boyfriend.

Beatrice had a tiny feeling that James was with her to get Micah's attention, and whenever she complained to Micah about him, Micah always confronted him. But she didn't want to think that way, because if that was the case, then it meant she was actually unattractive and no boy had ever liked her.

She had joined the school newspaper team because she was pretty good at taking pictures and it was one of the things she did without Micah's influence. She had started liking James because he was averagely cute and could play the piano(apparently, he didn't. Beatrice had got that into her head because she saw him playing Piano Tiles on his phone and he was really good).

"Is everyone here?", Tallulah Blanchard said, writing on the board. She knew that everyone wasn't , but she just said it to sound official. Beatrice thought Tallulah was a bit bonkers, but she was the newspaper's editor-in-chief, so she just had to deal with it. 

"Um, so I was thinking..my parents aren't going to be home this Saturday, and I was thinking maybe you could come over and we could watch a movie or something", Beatrice whispered. "That's cool, I guess. Will, um, Micah be there?", James asked, focusing intently on his game. 

"Why on earth would Micah be there? Are you dating her too?", she whispered angrily. "No, haha, but like you told me she took you to hang out with her boyfriend sometimes so I thought it was something you guys did"

Beatrice wanted to slap him so bad. He was so stupid. "I'll ask her if she's free", she whispered, tears in her eyes. "Great", he said, eyes still focused on his phone. "Um, Tallulah I'm going to the bathroom", she said, getting up and walking quickly to the bathroom. She locked herself in a stall and began to sob quietly.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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