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FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Item" Light and Sight

1. Using the topic question, "What do I know about light?", write a short paragraph (maximum of ten sentences, please) that will answer it. Try to answer the question without looking at books or references; I am interested in learning what you know even before we begin.

2. What does the module say about light? Go through the reading/content parts of the module and summarize what you've read.

3. Does your eye really see what it sees? Find at least two websites on optical illusions, copy the web addresses, and write a short commentary on each.

When you submit your homework, please don't forget to write your name at the top of the page. Kindly submit through the Digital Dropbox. Thanks.

This assignment is until December 31, 2007.

DOST - SEI e-Training for Science and Mathematics Teachers

Elementary Science 3 & 4


Using two sentences only for each item, write down the two most important ideas in the following modules.

a. Light and Sight

Light travels from a luminous source in straight lines and is absorbed, reflected or partially absorbed/reflected by objects.

The eye is the human body's light-detection organ.

b. Sound and Hearing

Sound waves travel through solids, liquids and gases and can bend around corners.

The ear detects sound by vibrating a series of bones and thin diaphragms.

c. Bones, Muscles and Movement

The bones and muscles are two interlinked systems.

Bones and muscles have two important functions - to protect the internal organs and to make the body move.

d. Food Digestion

The digestive system breaks down food.

The digestive system ensures that the body is supplied energy and materials for cell-building.

Select one idea (sentence) from your list in item 1. If you are asked to make a lesson regarding this idea,

e. What would be the lesson's objectives?

Your objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, resource-oriented and time-bound.

f. Describe how you would go about presenting this lesson to your class. Include activities (experiments, games, etc) that you plan to do.

You may have opted to use one of the activities in the module, bonus points are given to activities that are original.

g. Make a list of the things that you will write on the board.

The board is one of the most important components of the lesson. Whatever you place there will probably end up in the student's notebook, which s/he will probably use to study. Making a board plan is important!

h. How will you determine what your students have learned?

This question pertains to your assessment. Some teachers call it a test but I like to think that this is a way of knowing and evaluating both yours and the student's performance.

Baby Sarah is sitting in her crib while her mother, Suzie, is outside ironing clothes. Suzie wants to monitor Baby Sarah while she is ironing by reflecting Baby Sarah's image using a large mirror. Indicate in the drawing below where Suzie should position the mirror so that she can see Sarah. Then, draw arrows from Sarah to Suzie showing the path of light.

The angle of incidence should be equal to the angle of reflection with respect to the mirror's plane. This is the basic rule for reflection. The drawing above is an approximate.

Chris' ear was damaged in a diving accident; his eardrum was perforated (i.e. torn). What would most likely happen to Chris' ability to hear? Explain why this would be the effect of tearing the eardrum.

The eardrum is a thin diaphragm that vibrates with sound. If it is torn, then it will not be able to vibrate well. Depending on the extent of the perforation, Chris' ear will either be less sensitive to sound or unable to hear at all.

A new species of a water-living animal was found in the seabed of an unknown ocean. It lived by rolling in the seafloor, catching small crustaceans with its mouth for food. Scientists were surprised to find out that it had a structure similar to humans - an outer layer of skin and an inner layer or muscle and fat supported by a calcium-based skeleton. It's shape is similar to the figure below:

How would the skeleton of this animal look like? Draw the skeleton and explain how this skeleton would be consistent with the outer parts of the animal.

The skeleton will have two major parts - the skull and the rest of the body. The skull may be fairly solid or made of plates, much like the human skull. The body will probably have a round and basket-like structure to uniformly support the animal's rolling motion. It would probably look a bit like the baskets below:

Would you say that skeletons support the muscles or muscles support the skeleton? Why do you say so?

If we consider the full functions of both skeletal and muscular systems, then we can say that these two systems support each other.

Complete the sentences below with the appropriate word or phrase:

i. The main purpose of eating is _______.

j. The main function of the digestive system is ______.

k. The human digestive tract is fairly long (> 6 meters) because _____.

l. Not all of the food we eat is digested because _____.

m. Enzymes are important to digestion because _____.

This section does not have definite answers. I will post the ones that impressed me.

Most Grades 3 and 4 students prefer experiential learning experiences (lessons that maximize experiences using the senses). The four modules discuss topics and processes that students have direct experience with. For each of the four modules, discuss how you will use the students' experience in your lesson.

n. Light and Sight

o. Sound and Hearing

p. Bones, Muscles and Movement

q. Food Digestion

Same as for item 7, I will post the best answers.


Your answers will be checked using the following criteria:

Correct and appropriate details leading directly to answer

Clear, concise and logical development of ideas

Appropriate and correct use of language

Clear, correct and well-labeled diagrams, where applicable

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2008 ⏰

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