Brand New Key

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A/n: takes place while Charlie is young, late forties

Bus rides were not something to enjoy. The boys throwing airplanes and yelling across the bus at each other. The girls either quiet or gossiping about whom the enjoy. You were more of a quiet one. And so was he.

Charlie. Charlie Watts. A rather tall boy, for your age, light brown hair and fair eyes. He always sat in the back with a pencil in hand, writing. If not writing, reading. You found yourself studying him often. Studying the way he smiles when he writes something he presumably likes, a good book, or even when he got distracted looking out the window. You could call him your very first crush.

"Y/n, y/n, earth to y/n" your best friend cooed, trying to get your attention.

You took one last glance at him and brought your attention to her.

"What exactly is it that you need?" Your accent rang.

She smiled, "To convince you to ask him to sit by us"

"Oh no, we're hardly ten" you paused "boys don't fancy girls yet"

"As if! He looks at you when you're not looking at him"

You sighed, "how should I go about it?"

"Just go up to him, we have a good ten minutes till we get to school"

You nodded and kneeled on your seat before getting up. There was an empty spot next to him and it was your goal to steal it. Your hands began to shake as you approached him.

"Hello Charlie" your a-little-too-high voice rang.

"Oh- Hello y/n" he said, seemingly startled.

"May I sit with you?"

"Yes, yes for sure"

With that one approach, a friendship was formed. Everyday you'd sit side by side, reading or sharing ideas. Charlie introduced you to Edgar Allen Poe and Sylvia Plath. You cherished those moments all the way till high school.

I'm high school, your friendship changed. It bloomed into a stunning relationship filled with love and support.

𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now