2. A Grand Entrance

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Hermione's P.O.V

The kids and I decided we wanted to make a great first impression, so we decided to travel via private jet to Fiji and arrive at our villa, where we are then greeted by my P.A (Pansy Parkinson) who will have all our transport and etcetera ready to go for our drive to the SeaSide Serpent hotel, owned by my husband, the one and only Draco Malfoy. 

After arriving at the villa Pans came over embracing each of us in big hugs. We got into my brand new black Lamborghini Urus and we all travelled to the hotel. When we arrived I zoomed straight into the reserved parking spot.

Jayde P.O.V

We boarded the plane to take us to Fiji. Jemma and I wanted to travel in first class, but mum said we can't afford it. "I bet beaver had to get a boat because she can't even afford economy" Jemma sniggered. We took our seats and flew to Fiji. The plane ride consisted of Jemma and I talking about how hot Draco Malfoy is and deciding who was going to marry him. He was the world's hottest bachelor after all! We decided I should get him as Jemma already has a boyfriend.

We got into the lobby of the SeaSide Serpent hotel and looked around in awe. It was absolutely stunning! "Mum, where are beaver and her parents?" I asked eager to see what she turned out as. "They're just over there sweetie" mum replied. I looked over to see a red Mazda 3 zoom in and Aunt Jean handed the keys over to the valet. They walked but Bookworm wasn't there! "Where is Hermione Aunty?" I asked with feigned innocence. "She'll be here shortly." Immediately I thought about how long a boat would take to arrive. "Her jet took a bit longer than expected due to turbulence" Jemma and I's eyes widened in shock. "A j-jet?" Jemma asked. "Yes, dears a private jet." We all then turned to see a sleek black Lamborghini Urus pull up in one of the reserved parking spots. Jemma and I squeal. "It could be Draco Malfoy!" Jemma said with excitement, but much to our dismay a tall brunette with long, tan legs and perfect curls steps out of the driver's seat wearing black skinny jeans, a white blouse and a handbag from the latest line at HGM fashion. She was wearing stunning Chanel sunglasses only someone with extreme wealth could afford, and immediately I felt jealous. The mystery woman walked towards the back seat of the car to let 3 children get out. The first one, a girl looked maybe 11 with the same brunette curls as the older woman. The next child, another girl jumped out with an extreme amount of energy. She had gorgeous dirty blond hair any woman would kill for and she looked around 7 years old. The last child to jump out of the car was a boy. He had bleach blond hair and looked around 9 years old. He looked so familiar to me, but I just couldn't seem to put a finger on it.

Lyra's P.O.V.

"Mum, is that your family over there?" I whisper discretely looking at the people in the lobby. She nods her head in response and walks towards the boot to grab the luggage but she's stopped by the bellboy, insisting he does it for her. I see the women inside and feel the urge to cover the eyes of my two younger siblings. They didn't even look like they were wearing clothes! Mum leads the way as we stalk into the main lobby, the staff immediately recognise us but don't say a word. Mum told Pans to tell the staff to acknowledge her as 'Ms Granger' until the reveal ball my parents planned. The girls in skimpy outfits run over in their chunky heels and stick their hands out towards mum. "Hi, I'm Jemma and this is my twin sister Jayde Granger. We model for HGM." I do my best to stifle a laugh. "What are you laughing at brat?"Jayde, I think her name was, says to me. "Don't you dare speak to my daughter like that." mum says fuming with anger. "I'm surprised you don't recognise me girls, we've only known each other our whole lives" she continues, pulling the sunglasses off her face. "Hermione!" they screech at the top of their lungs. "Yes, that's my name," she replies. My siblings and I then run over to grandma Jean and grandpa Dan and embrace them. 

Hermione's P.O.V.

I walk over to my parents and give them each a warm hug. Aunt Mathilda walks, well more like struts, over to us and looks at me with a look of hatred. "How dare you have children out of wedlock! You are a disgrace to the granger family!" "Dearest Aunt Mathilda, have you failed to notice my engagement ring and wedding band?" I say with feigned innocence, holding up my hand to show off my rings. "Who would want to marry you?" Jayde says with confusion. "My husband, apparently." And with that, I turned on my heel and walked over to the reception desk. 

"Hey Lav, could I please have the keys for the granger family reunion?" She looks up and smiles "did you want the keys to the Malfoy suite?" "yes please," I reply. "How is the pregnancy going?" I ask. Lavender is now with Ron and they have 2 children and expecting a 3rd. "Good, good. Nothing I haven't experienced before." She sighs. "Just let me know if you need to stop working," I say, genuinely concerned for my friend. "Yes, yes, I know," she says and hands me the keys. "I'll see you around Lav."

"Here are the room keys. Jemma and Jayde in one room, Aunt Mathilda and Uncle Tom in the room next door, Grandma and Grandpa in the room next to that and Mum and Dad next to Grandma and Grandpa." I say handing the keys to the room as I speak. "Where's your key Beaver?" Jemma says with a glint of evil in her eyes. " Right here," I respond, dangling the keys in her face. Scorp and Ly try to stifle a giggle and I can see the frustration in my cousin's eyes. 

We turn to the lifts and each scan our room keys and press the level we are on. I scan mine and press the top floor where the penthouse is located. Jemma and Jayde look at me, "Bookworm, your not allowed up there, you'll get kicked out." "I'd like to try my luck," I respond. 

The kids and I finally reach the penthouse and I'm relieved to be away from those evil twins. Cassie plonks down onto the stool in front of me. "Mum," she says "Yes sweetie?" "Why are your cousins so evil?" she asks. I let out a small giggle. "I guess they just are," I say giving her a hug. She nods in response and runs over to the couch and turns on the T.V to watch Spongebob. This week is going to be a disaster! I think to myself as I walk into the home office Draco insisted we set up so I could work on my designs wherever I went. I've only been to the SeaSide Serpent once, and that was for the opening, so this is our first time staying here. I know the kids are very excited to go to the pool and play in the sand and honestly so am I. Thank God I invited Harry, Gin, Blaise, Pans, Ron and Lav over for tomorrow so I don't have to sit by the pool alone! I cant wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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